Female facial beauty

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Only if you cover the bottom 2/3 of her face. Her eyes are ok but there is something wrong with her cheeks, nose, mouth and chin. To achieve a beautiful face is a subtle and delicate balance of a multitude of shapes and angles of these parts and their proportion and relation to each other and this one falls short.
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i think she's pretty attractive but eyes supersede everything for me, if a girl with great eyes has a dick i'll suck it. i also like that little nose dimple thing, if that's even what it is, kinda hard to tell from this airbrushed stock photo.
i'm always a sucker for blue eyes
is it horribly racist if i say i really love the kind of facial shape where blue eyes look natural and brown eyes look wrong
is that racist??
it's actually kinda hard to find internet pics of the kind of face shape i'm trying to describe
the extraterrestrial looking one is Natalie Dormier and the one with the bushy ass eyebrows is Emilia Clark. I'd drill both of 'em though. :D
Natalie and Emelia are totally unrecognizable in the horrible-light/weird-facial-expression photo you posted
Natalie and Emelia's faces actually look hot in other photos
Can’t believe a fucking Jonas brother gets to smash that. What does he have that I don’t?