Female facial beauty

Not sure which category Mercedes Masohn is in here: :err:

I'll grant it's a distinctly feminine flavor of badass. I'd prob let her handcuff me.

The ponytail's another of my pet peeves btw. Utterly, boringly utilitarian. They're always hotter with hair down.
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i really really like the ponytail with visible ears thing
kinda almost an ear fetish

i really don't like girls wearing denim pants though
just looks kinda un-sexy,
like she needs durable pants for doing something non-sexual
seeing a girl in jeans just makes me think of a female car mechanic or something

i like shiny plastic skirts
or painted-on-spandex-pants
with each pic
there's just something about the combination of the face-facial expression-clothes where each pic just looks like she's dressed-up special-for-the-photo

"here's me putting on the clothes i was wearing in a photo from 30 years ago"

each pic still looks sexy though