FEMALE FRONTED ROCK GROUP! (Only 2 girls, both 17!)

Only two members? how does that work?

I agree that the vocals is the basic problem with the mix. Definitely need to be louder and it seems maybe some more compression?
Vocals sound pretty dry, would be okay if they were more up-front in the mix, but they're sitting somewhere between the guitars at this stage. Otherwise sounds quite well polished.


Too old.

Only two members? how does that work?

I agree that the vocals is the basic problem with the mix. Definitely need to be louder and it seems maybe some more compression?

I added more compression to the vocals and raised them a bit.
Sounding better? Or needs more?
(updated original link)
And the 2 members thing works because I did the drums for them, haha.
1 girl is Asian and she did guitars and bass, and the other girl sang. :p
Better, but still not quite there. When I listen to this I compare it to the likes of like Avril Lavigne, where the vocals are seated right up the front of the mix, leaving just enough room for rhythm instruments to stay heard.

Aside from levels/positioning, one thing I would consider is some measure of delay or reverb to add a bit of thickness to the singing.
Drums are obviously programmed, should change cymbal samples and/or work on velocities all around.

Did you write the drum parts? They're way, way too metal. Everything is too metal in this mix, actually. Guitars are kinda cool but definitely sound POD. Vox are too dry, as well.
Drums are obviously programmed, should change cymbal samples and/or work on velocities all around.

Did you write the drum parts? They're way, way too metal. Everything is too metal in this mix, actually. Guitars are kinda cool but definitely sound POD. Vox are too dry, as well.

The sad part is, these vocals arent dry at all. :/
Is having a limiter after my reverb and delay a bad move on the vocals?
I'll switch it before the delay and stuff and see if that works better.
I sat with the girls and wrote out the drums with them. Should i remove some of the chunky mids all around on the drums?
the whole thing is not very clear. seems like you are mixing in a room with serious low end problems or a system that cant reproduce
the full range properly. id try headphones if your in a poor room. compare to your favorite productions and learn what a great mix is all about.
the whole thing is not very clear. seems like you are mixing in a room with serious low end problems or a system that cant reproduce
the full range properly. id try headphones if your in a poor room. compare to your favorite productions and learn what a great mix is all about.

Updated again, fixed the bass up a bit, redid the master bus comp, ect ect.
i think overall it all sounds pretty good. i like the metal sound :D i really do. I think it gives it spice. I also like the guitar tone, I think the toms are panned a little too much to the left I'm not hearing a wide tom range. What plug-ins did you use for guitar and drums?
I took most of the advice you guys made except making it less metal, but other than that, sounding better? :p

i think overall it all sounds pretty good. i like the metal sound :D i really do. I think it gives it spice. I also like the guitar tone, I think the toms are panned a little too much to the left I'm not hearing a wide tom range. What plug-ins did you use for guitar and drums?

The toms are panned crazy wide o.o
I guess there wasnt much use of the floors, I'll compensate :p
And i used Podfarm for guitars, and Superior/Slate/Samples for drums.
The sad part is, these vocals arent dry at all. :/
Is having a limiter after my reverb and delay a bad move on the vocals?
I'll switch it before the delay and stuff and see if that works better.
I sat with the girls and wrote out the drums with them. Should i remove some of the chunky mids all around on the drums?

If those aren't dry then you've got the wrong kind of ambience on them. Try out some delays with different l/r timings and see if you can't get things to widen/wetten up that way.

I don't do limiters on fx channels at all, just eq after the wet plugin.

Yeah the chunky midrange isn't too suiting, but neither are a lot of the patterns, especially the fills. Too much 16th note tom roll type stuff... see if you can't set up a 4-peice style kit and write the fills out that way, generally forces you to be more creative with fills and rely less on 16th rolls.
Keep in mind I'm far from an expert at this, but I feel like the guitars have a bit too much mushy gain. They could be a tad tighter too. The glitches and production are solid instrument-wise minus that.

Also ditto on the vox sounding weak.
If those aren't dry then you've got the wrong kind of ambience on them. Try out some delays with different l/r timings and see if you can't get things to widen/wetten up that way.

I don't do limiters on fx channels at all, just eq after the wet plugin.

Yeah the chunky midrange isn't too suiting, but neither are a lot of the patterns, especially the fills. Too much 16th note tom roll type stuff... see if you can't set up a 4-peice style kit and write the fills out that way, generally forces you to be more creative with fills and rely less on 16th rolls.

Keep in mind I'm far from an expert at this, but I feel like the guitars have a bit too much mushy gain. They could be a tad tighter too. The glitches and production are solid instrument-wise minus that.

Also ditto on the vox sounding weak.

sounds like the vocals were recorded with a macbook mic.

Also the cymbals sound obnoxiously fake...

Thank you to all 3 of you, Ima try to fix the vocals completely, haha. Ill post a update soon.

Only thing I'd like to add is that they told me what they wanted for most of the drums, haha.
ESPICALLYY the fills, they requested those based off what their old drummer played :p
I think the instruments sound pretty good, but there's still something really off with the vocals, they just don't sit very well.