Heavy Rock

Aug 16, 2008
London, UK
I've spent a full day mixing this due to tight schedules and my ears are completely blown, there's still some minor stuff to sculpt and some slight general polishing to do.

So it's not 100% done, but I'd like 3rd party perspectives and opinions!

About the music itself, I don't know how to classify this to be honest, heavy rock with clean singing, a lot of ambient and atmospheric stuff as well in there

Updated with final mixes, I feel it probably needs a slight bump in the high mids, but overall this is pretty much it I guess.



This sounds awesome man, i love the song too, the only thing i would say is turn the snare down a bit it sounds like it sitting a bit too much on top of everything else
Great mixes and great band!

Agree with xAfterBurial, turn down the snare, only a bit.

What about drums? Any amples involved?

Giuseppe [giubis]
I agree the snare could be lowered a few dB (not too much). The rolls are a bit low in the mix (I'm listening to the second one).

Maybe the vocals too, but slightly.

I would personnally lower the reverbs too I find them making everything sound a bit too muddy, and find a way to make the guitars shine a little more in their highs, but that's more personal.

Overall it's good :)
Thanks guys, you think the reverbs on vocals are muddying the mix? Hm... I'm aware about the snare, the rolls should come up and the main snare come down a little bit. I literally can't make the guitars brighter than they are, it's all cab noise "up there" and horrible fizz, sounds terrible.

I agree with the reverb on the vocals, mainly the harmonies, sounds a bit obnoxious. I'm going back tomorrow or monday to finish this, hence me posting this here as doing this in a day full on, with little sleep at a point everything just sounded like white noise