Female Vocals???


Aug 21, 2010
Portland, OR
Just finished recording male and female vocals for a band and i have some questions. The band had tracked everything at another studio and is just using this to try the vocalists out. I would like to use it as a learning experience and walk away knowing more.

They want a polished sound for the female vocals. Everything i do to them still sounds amateur. What are your typical chains???

This is how i tracked it
BLUE dragonfly> Golden Age pre73> Focusrite Saffire 56> Logic 9
can you re track? maybe if she could sing a 3rd or a 5th down an octave, it might mesh better. also she is not only singing but screaming. i cant be too clear as to which you are saying is the problem. but to me it is the singing, it also sounds maybe not so in pitch.
Have you tuned these vox?

There's a whine about the voice around 4-6k too. Sounds really nasally. How much verb is on her voice?
when she pushed it went nasally, ill try the cut. Single tracked vocals it was hard to get the takes that we got so double tracking was outta the picture. Put some verb and widening on the track above.

I have WAVES TUNE but it seems like every pitch correction i try is overboard.

i know most vocals are double tracked what is done to them to make that huge "wow, this is the chorus" sound???
When the vocals first come in, it sounds really weird in the mix.

Way too nasally like some people above mentioned. Needs some more clarity too.
You're just going to have to experiment with EQ'ing.

The pitch is pretty meh as well.
You should look into Melodyne (if you haven't used it) and don't like the other pitch correction tools out there.
If it has a trial version then try it out.

I wouldn't say the amateur-sound is due to the mixing. it's just her singing.
Her vocal tone is very nasally and her pitch is all over the place.

Some heavy altering could get it to sound decent though.