Fender MH500 MetalHead


I think I broke something
Jul 18, 2004
I just traded in one of my Randall heads for this new MH500 head. For a solid state amp, the tone is absolutely brutal. I was seeing if anyone here owns one, or has played through one. If so, how did you have it dialed in and how did you like it? I have to say that it's one of the loudest heads I've ever heard. Pretty good price for what you get. :cool:
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
solid states do have a few advantages over tubes.

i should probably hide having said that on here. :S

I agree. I own both and they each have their purpose. Tube is a great deal better for recording. The solid state sounds pretty good at high volumes and gigs.
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
That's just it, the headroom issue with tube amps has been an issue for people i know. But anyway, a good amp is a good amp regardless what's in it.

Yeah i agree with you totally. ive found ive had best results running just a pod xt with a solid state power amp into a marshall cab for onstage sound and running the direct out for the PA.

While i still prefer my peavey XXX for recording, and also if the amp gets knocked around in a van tubes can break easily.
I've played that amp, I didn't think it was that good. It's 500 watts, which is totally uncalled for. I found it be be really weak actually. I've owned the best solid state amp ever made for metal, IMO, the Ampeg VH-150. It was infinitely better than the Fender Metalhead.
Just finished mixing a band whos second guitar player played one of these Fender half stacks. He raved about the amp prior to the sessions. After all was said and done, we had to re-track his parts through a Marshall DSL 2000. We tweeked on that fender forever but couldn't get the sound we wanted. Wish now I had printed a DI of his original track and just re-amped it. Would have saved me some headache. :yuk:
killswitch_19 said:
Are you guys nuts? Tube amps have way more headroom and volume then solid state amps.

It's 550watts....it's got plenty of headroom and volume.
550 watts? That's nothing... You see, most blokes, you know, will be playing at ten. You're on ten, all the way up... You're on ten on your guitar, where can you go from there? Where? Nowhere! Exactly! What we do, is if we need that extra push over a cliff, you know what we do? Put it up to eleven!


This one goes to eleven...
Razorjack said:
Spinal Tap is amazing!! I fitted a replacement front panel to a friends JCM900 once that had all the pots going up to 11, I don't know where he got it but it was v.cool.

Dude. Please find out where... I want one.
For a solid state amp, the tone is absolutely brutal.

I've got a great idea, lets all go out and buy a fender Metalhead right, then after that we can go buy a marshall mode 4 each, yeah awesome!!

seriously this thread has got me laughing so hard!! thanks for the entertainment!!
Kry said:
I've got a great idea, lets all go out and buy a fender Metalhead right, then after that we can go buy a marshall mode 4 each, yeah awesome!!

seriously this thread has got me laughing so hard!! thanks for the entertainment!!

i hav a marshall mode four . .clean tone is pretty good . .. od 1 and 2 channels are great to but when i'm gonna shred on the high frets . . .. . i want to throw it out of my window
Kry said:
I've got a great idea, lets all go out and buy a fender Metalhead right, then after that we can go buy a marshall mode 4 each, yeah awesome!!

seriously this thread has got me laughing so hard!! thanks for the entertainment!!

I take it you're tying to be an asshole, right? If you have nothing productive to say, how about refraining from posting your mockery. I suppose you must be a "purist" when it comes to gear uh? Lets hear your tone then, noob.