Amp/Cabinet Comparisons (.WAV Files)

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
Hey Guys--
I recorded four clips that I thought you might find interesting. I recorded the 6505+ and Krankenstein heads through a Marshall cabinet (75 Watt Celestions) and a Mesa cabinet (Vintage 30 Celestions). I uploaded them as 16-Bit .wav files so there's no MP3 encoding, and all the start and end points are the same so you can drag them into a session and compare. Pretty interesting for hearing the differences between the heads and between the cabs. It's also cool for blending. My favorite combo is the Krank/V30s blended with the 6505+/75W. But it's all down to personal preference. :)

These are all individual performances, not the same performance reamped. Miked with one SM57 into an API preamp, and no processing. Anyway, I did this pretty quickly so I probably could have dialed in better tones if I'd spent longer on it, but it serves the purpose. Hope you enjoy.

Amp and Cabinet Files
6505 + Mesa :headbang:
The Marshall has some nasty 3-5khz freqs.
The Krankenstein is a bit thicker but also duller and muddier than the 6505.
thanks. they all sound usable, I'm really liking the v30 ones though.

mind sharing settings?

if you could record and supply the DI-tracks I would reamp them through one of my amps and the Engl pro with v30....would like to have a comparison between the Mesa and Engl
I like the Mesa more than the Marshall in both cases. I also like the 6505 way more than the Krank, so the winner is clear for me.
I actually like both 6505+ clips very much. . . but I fell in love with the 6505 + Marshall cab - sounds great to me!!
Perhaps I'm kinda tired of hearing the Vintage 30s everywhere, so from your clips I'm digging the 75W Celestions a lot. :)

The Krank. . . it's cool, but I don't like it that much, dunno why.

Actually, I'm doing something similar to your comparison right now, but after hearing your tones, guess I'll be scrapping everything and starting again from scratch. . . Cudos to you, man, great sound!
Great stuff Matt. 6505+ into V30 for the win here. I have just listened back to your old 5150 and Rev samples (cabinet comparison shootout) and actually prefer the Rev sound over the 'stein. Stein seems thin in comparison IMHO.

Thanks for posting these. :kickass:
From all the clips I've heard it seems to me the Rev sounds a lot better than the Stein.

If I were to choose one cab and head it would be a mesa cab and a 5150/6505.
Cheers for that. Another vote for the Mesa and 6505+ here. It just wants to sit in a mix more than any of the other ones, and it reminds me of when I tracked with the exact same gear chain. There's just some magic to that sound when you're in the room listening to it. I feel like the legacy of Sneap is passing through me or somethin'..:err: