Marshall or Randall?


Jul 15, 2002
In between
OK all you gear headed fans, what's up with Scott's rig? I see Marshall cabs and heads on some 'Thrax and S.O.D. pics and I see Randall cabs and heads on others (never seen Randall on any S.O.D., just Thrax) so I'm wondering if anyone knows what he's using and why he'd "change" from one to the other. You gear heads'll know the dif between solid state and tube "sound". For you non gear heads, think Pantera (solid state) and old Thrax or S.O.D. (tube) for the "sound" difference. :Smokin: :rock:
He's using Randall heads and cabs right now, if you go to the Randall site its got info on Scotts rig.
Personally I think Randalls (even solid state) can sound great! Scotts tone was excellent recently at Wembley, even though the general sound quality was poor.
I guess Scott started to use Randall Warhead due to Dimebag Darrell. Didn't The Fatass say that Scott is a Dimebag wannabe? :lol:
Speaking of S.O.D., I've seen that "Budokan" show and Scott uses SG Gibson guitar type, which he never used in Thrax.
He did use an SG Gibson with Anthrax. I remember very well that for the SOWN tour in April of 94, he used one for the song "This is not an Exit". I'm sure he used it for that song, maybe another, but I think for the rest he was using that Charvel/Jacskon Surfcaster model. Those were the "metal/grunge" days.
Originally posted by AlexStomp
He did use an SG Gibson with Anthrax. I remember very well that for the SOWN tour in April of 94, he used one for the song "This is not an Exit". I'm sure he used it for that song, maybe another, but I think for the rest he was using that Charvel/Jacskon Surfcaster model. Those were the "metal/grunge" days.

Aah, ok, thanx, you know, I can't know of everything! :)
Ya know, I've watched the Speak English DVD a couple of times and I always see JACKSON on the headstock of Soctt's axes. Where'd you see an SG at? I'd like to have a pic of him with a Gibson as I've always seen him with Jackson both on the DVD's and pics on the web.
i really liked that surfcaster,m it was a cool axe

is he still playing charveljackson!?!?!? didn't look like it on this tour...... didn't recognise the shape at all.....

but yah i thougth scottie pretty much stuck to jackson all the time, the sg might have been a charvel copy, they defo make flying v's anyway
Yeah, the models on the Kill Yourself DVD and pics in mags and online, the SG shape is a Jackson, they're just Scott's models. If you go to the Jackson site, you'll get all the info on his axes.
Originally posted by chaosofanthrax
i always see the same jackson. he usein the sod dvd and the most recent pics. its theone the flames on it. its the same model i have. its a killer guitar man.

you have that guitar!!!!
Well done mate, to buy it in Scotland you have to sell your Grandmother (and take out a large loan).................