Festival review


Orphaned Avi (not drumer)
Sep 18, 2002
First of all I would like to say that the production of the whole celebration was wonderful, despite the evergray incident.
the weather was really hot an humid all week long and also on the day o fthe festival.. outside on the old tel aviv port there was little places with shade so you had to either get in or get in the fency clothing shops.
Unfortunatel, I missed the first show - Metricide. they say it was a great show !
(I could hear the music from outside and it sounded a blast!)
round 16:00 I got in with two friends, that was an escape from the sun and moist (but it was still hot). after them came 10 year old AZAZEL, black metal de-lux :) their drummer btw is a KILLER!

after that I found Ernst and then Natalie
thanks again for coming!! :wave:

Damnation were up next and after them - a manowar tribute band, I was out during most of their show because im not much of a prog/power metal founder, :cry: (tho they covered PAINKILLER amazingly!)

im in lost for words... Highly professional, amazing music, clear wonderful voices... amazing.. princes of israeli metal !!
you should really check `em up ASAP !

Betzefer were up next.
they broke the venue.
I have nothing to add.
best act ever, you`ll hear from them soon enough I hope.

by the time Lehavoth came up, I was lushed and merry :loco: and im not sure what happened there
`twas fun I remember
Lehavoth were strong.. their new front man is AWEEEEEESOOOOOME !!

Orphaned land...
fucking brillient
the band played most of SAHARA songs for the 13th anni. celebration!
OCEAN LAND video was showen to the crowd twice (unbelieveable video.. the guys worked REALLY hard for this one. hope you`ll see it asap)...
this show took out OL`s animal nitret out of their veins, the guys really rocked Hangar 11 !!!
after a long time we got to see out believed Shlomit :notworthy :Shedevil:
she`s the best. nothing else to say. I must remark that Yaziv gave a longer and bolder ethnic drumming work, DADDY LIKES!
the show was sinished with a beautiful cover for Ethnix - old israeli ethnic\rock-pop band. I think you`ll be able to find this song on d\l programs
try to searcg for Etnix (or ethnix) - keturne masala)
this song was ment to be covered in metal I think !
after OL ernst left and I started to get awefully tired..

awesome sound! the band gave a tense session of 13 (!!) songs from all periods incl. Creating out sins live EP !! (from 91 or 92...). awesome performance started with the naitonal antheme and the israeli flags on the screens, patriotically beautiful! these guys know how to turn the crowd on... awesome indeed !

at that time my feet started to KILL me and I wanted to go home badly (I live 2 hours away from sin city tel aviv...)... I heard hehemoth starting to play inside but at that time someone gave me a ride to the central station andthere I waited for a who bloody 90 minutes to the train home...
altogather I had a great time with friends and beer (I think that this was the first time I enjoyed Heineken heheh)
anyway, if i`ll be lucky to save enough money, i`ll get to see the band play in Hellas and party with our greek side of the family :cool:

Love you all !!
I actually came for Matricide, the Manowar Tribute and Behemoth

Matricide I missed because i was waiting for my friend to come with my ticket :\

Azazel - saw them few times before, and like always, they aren't good..

Damnnation - I liked the Symphony X cover

Distorted - I was outside at that time, not sure why..

Lehavoth - dont like them.

Manowar Tribute - It was fucking amazing... the best show of the festival!!!
excellent song selection, and very good show...
and the Judas Priest - Painkiller cover in the end was great also. \m/

Betzefer - dont like them

Orphaned Land -
actually, i dont really like the Sahara album, not my cup of tea..
but like always their show and energy is very powerfull/

Salem - I've seen all their concert in the last 3 years, this one was nice, but nothing special..

Behemoth - I was so tired i couldnt even enjoy
the song selection was really good, i really love all the songs they played, but i was more thiniking of sleeping than watching the concert

after that i went home
Ok,we got there around 17:00, but unfortunately, the shows had already started. The band playing was Matrycide, and we only got to see the last 2 songs. I was really bummed about that, since my friend is a guitarist for the band, and we missed him (since he was replaced before the end by Dori Bar-Or, Eternal Greay ex-singer/guitarist).

Second was Azazel. Black metal. Definately not my style of music. Though they had lots of chanting and the crowd enjoyed them, so I guess they were good. I dunno. I found it funny that at the end, they said:
"Do you want some Sepultura?"
Do you want [insert Sepultura song name here]?"
"Yeeeeeeeeeaaaah" - crowd goes wild.

Then someone came to talk with the singer and he said:
"Well, sorry, but we're out of time"

Next was DamnNation. A Progressive/Power/Hard rock band, that is REALLY inspired by Symphony X (and we'd see testimony to that later on in their set). They started off with an original song of theirs. Not bad. Then they did Pharoah by Symphony X. Quite good - especially the musicians who did Romeo and Pinnellas work justice - a small feat to say the least. Surprisingly, the drummer (who did the backing vocals) sounded more like Russel Allen than the lead vocalist, who sometimes ran out of breath. Otherwise, good work. Then they did a couple of their own songs , and a couple more SymX covers (Out Of The Ashes and Sea Of Lies). All in all, good show.

Then Distorted came out. Miri rules. And she headbangs just as good, if not better than anyone I know. They did a few originals. Near the end, I started hearing a familiar bass line, that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Then I could imagine the singing, but still forgot who was singing or what band it was. Then it hit me when she started singing "To see the last survivor fall". Everyone here should know who's this is, and if not, shame on you! It was Nevermore's Dead Heart in A Dead World. But the surprises were still ahead. After the whole silent part, the distortion kicked in, but it didn't sound like DHiaDW. I couldn't place where I knew it from. Then I remembered - Narcosynthesis - the 1st verse! Then, instead of going to that chorus, it changed again to the Inside Four Walls chorus! After that, The Heart Collectors chorus was heard and moved me as usual. Then, stepping away from the Dead Heart album, came Beyond Within verse and chorus, with it's raging drums. And with that ended the Nevermedly, which took us all by surprise and left us crying for more. Just superb! One of the highlights!

Then came Lehavoth - Not my style of music, though anyone who loves moshing should do so with these guys in the background. They never let up. Even though I wasn't too fond of the music, the guys put on a good show.

Then came the ManoWar tribute show - who my friend was drumming for, and needless to say ruled. I'm not into Manowar, but these guys put on a hell of a show and made it very entertaining. The vocalist (IMO one of the best the country has to offer) did really well in getting the songs across and getting the crowd into it, who were really ecstatic. Excellant guitar work by both guys and some cool stuff all around. My friend told me there would be some surprise at the end, but wouldn't tell me what. Well, after the vocalist introduced the whole band near the end, my friend did some drum line, and then the band started playing a familiar song. Then as soon as the singing started, I knew what it was - PAINKILLER! Excellant show. I'm not a fan of Priest either, but I enjoyed this song live. I saw Priest live at Graspop, and let me tell you, this version wasn't too far off. Amazing work by the vocalist.

Then came Betzefer - Metalcore band, who are supposed to be quite good. So I heard a couple of songs, and they weren't bad, but I wanted to get a few beers before the highlits of the night, and there was no other time, so I missed most of their show because I went out to drink and eat.

Then came Orphaned Land - and before they came on, they showed on the screens their new video for Ocean Land. Not bad. And then the show started, and needless to say they ruled. These guys never fail to amaze me at how they change their songs from show to show. To this date, I've heard these guys perform 5 different versions of The Beloveds Cry, each time improving (except for this time, which was good, yet not as good as the other shows). What a band.

After this show, I went looking for my drummer friend. Well, I found him backstage, and I wanted to talk to him, so, in short, I got backstage. Too bad I wasn't there from the beginning, since the sound there was better. From there I saw the rest of the shows.

Salem was up next - these are the first Israeli Death Metal band, and you can tell these guys have been performing for a while. They put on a good show and the crowd loved them.

Then came the highlight of the evening for most of the people: Behemoth. Anyways, I only like the drummer of this band - despite the fact that he 'only' grinds. At soundcheck he showed what he could really do, and he blew me away. Then they came on, and put on a very good show (though I don't like their music), corpsepaint an' all. I have no idea how the drummer didn't faint after the first 2 songs - the guy is just a machine!

After them, we were quite tired, so we decided to go home and skip on the next two bands.

All in all, good night, though could've been WAY better if Evergrey had come.
i got there at about 16:30.. but i didn't get in for like an hour later.. all i could see was a sea of black in front of me..

special stuff:
betzefer covered fucking hostile by pantera.. fucking killed!!!
manowar tribute.. the crowd was ecstatic.. one of the best shows of the night..
orphaned land showd the new ocean land video.. awsome!
and loud N' clear sang "youth gone wild" by skid row.. (i'v got some history with that song :))

:rock: it completly killed.. can't wait for next years festival!
I love Betzefer. *Headbangings to Betzefer*
In fact I love all the band listed above.
It must've been a great show.
Thanks for the reviews.
I just wish I hadn't moved at all.
It's funny that while I was in Israel nothing happened.
Everything happened here in Canada.
But since I move all the good stuff come to Israel.

Orphaned Land and the Metalist Festival, Next year in built Toronto! :rock: :worship: