Festival setlist, whats your opinion?

I think they're saving IYWPPFW, TLS, Knuckleduster and songs like that for their next big headlining tours. Because they really do need to change up their sets. I hope/think they're gonna add a few songs from the next album, plus the ones I just mentioned that they already said they were gonna start to play live.

Nice theory but.. too bad that the reality for this band is usually that they just drop the most rare songs off their sets and add the new songs. I bet the new headlining tour set is gonna be like silent night, downfall, etid, hate me, needled, angels, hate crew, living dead beat, aydy, face + 4 new songs. That's what happened when HCDR came out and when AYDY came out. There were zero surprises from older albums on the main tours for both of those albums, the songs with the least hit potential were just dropped out and replaced by the new songs. But let's keep our fingers crossed.

I'm also sure they'll never play Knuckle again, it was just a summer special for 2005 and not so many people seem to like that song. I've got the picture Alexi digs it a lot though.
I bet the new headlining tour set is gonna be like silent night, downfall, etid, hate me, needled, angels, hate crew, living dead beat, aydy, face + 4 new songs. That's what happened when HCDR came out and when AYDY came out.
Not really, they played seven new songs from HCDR when it came out.
Children Of Decadence LIVE? my dream dude! can't wait for their next appearance here in Montréal
The played COD live twice in Montreal, two days in a row in December.

Nice theory but.. too bad that the reality for this band is usually that they just drop the most rare songs off their sets and add the new songs. I bet the new headlining tour set is gonna be like silent night, downfall, etid, hate me, needled, angels, hate crew, living dead beat, aydy, face + 4 new songs. That's what happened when HCDR came out and when AYDY came out. There were zero surprises from older albums on the main tours for both of those albums, the songs with the least hit potential were just dropped out and replaced by the new songs. But let's keep our fingers crossed.

I'm also sure they'll never play Knuckle again, it was just a summer special for 2005 and not so many people seem to like that song. I've got the picture Alexi digs it a lot though.

Hm, well I'm not expecting older songs. I know Alexi "hates" them, or whatever.. so I mean, as long as they add a little variety to the set, I'll be pleased. To hear someof the AYDY songs they don't normally play plus the new songs should be good I think.

I mean, if they just play the same shit this time around I'll be disappointed.
Sorry folks, here's the right setlist:

Hate Me!
Children Of Decadence
Living Dead Beat
Angels Don't Kill
In Your Face
Bodom Beach Terror
Children Of Bodom
Are You Dead Yet?
Mask Of Sanity/Deadnight Warrior
Needled 24/7
Sorry folks, here's the right setlist:

Hate Me!
Children Of Decadence
Living Dead Beat
Angels Don't Kill
In Your Face
Bodom Beach Terror
Children Of Bodom
Are You Dead Yet?
Mask Of Sanity/Deadnight Warrior
Needled 24/7

Still basically the same as their last tour's setlist.
And since they played Chokehold after Children Of Decadence, it's clear that they did the same as on the last North American tour and skipped the solos of Children Of Decadence.
I don't like it. I'd want to hear full Deadnight Warrior, Lake Bodom, Towards Dead End, Mask of Sanity and some song they haven't played for a while ....like Black Widow for instance!

Fuck AYDY and HCDR songs!
Skip Children Of Decadence? Are you insane? More like leave that in and skip AYDY or Angel's Don't Kill.

That setlist looks just like a mini version of the one they were playing on their '06 US tour a few months back. It's quite cool.

exactly.... i would definetly like them to continue playing cod through their whole tour, including after they get the new album out... they didn't play it when i saw them, so it would be nice if they just continue... of course with more similar songs... :rock:
Still basically the same as their last tour's setlist.

you do realize how lucky you are to see children of decadence and mask of sanity right? fuck putting sn/bn back in, they play that almost every single time and the fact that they put in some other rare songs is fucking awesome. i really hope next tour they keep children of decadence or mask of sanity or play some other rare songs, but i doubt they will and they'll just go back to the songs that they always play. it would awesome if they played hatebreeder or bed of razors next tour.
Still basically the same as their last tour's setlist.

Yeah, but only in the states. They never played this in Europe so far.

Enemy242 said:
it would awesome if they played hatebreeder or bed of razors next tour.

Yeah, these two songs are prime examples of songs that haven't played in years but they could easily add to their setlist. I doubt anyone would complain if they sometimes played Bed of Razors instead of Angels.

It's such a shame that a band with a discography as strong as COB doesn't vary their setlist more than they do now. The results of the livesong poll proved that there's 7-8 songs on every album that a lot of people like. But to be honest I would've never believed that they'd add songs like FTR, COD and MOS so things are definitely looking better than a few years back!
I think they focus on getting newer stuff playd through so when they release new album and go for tour then they can play some of older songs...they coud be saving them!
Hate Me! First.
I wouldnt like that.
I think a good opener would be Living Dead Beat cos of long intro.
And I think somewere in the set they should have an Alexi vs. Janne solo,
Those are always cool.
I'd so damn like them to play Hatebreeder live, also Bed of razors would be great. And if they'd wish to play one of their covers live, I'd love it to be "Somebody put something in my drink".
They're just not rehearsing enough, that's why they can't do much variations with the setlist, or even play the solos of Children of Decadence or Mask of Sanity. They just cut both off. It's not that I mind, because that would just cost them too much effort and nobody would even notice them play those solos.. But it's embarrasing they return to Mask of Sanity after Deadnight Warrior..

I wouldn't mind a setlist like this:

The Nail
Silent Night
Towards Dead End
Children Of Decadence
Mask Of Sanity
Trashed, Lost & Strungout
Living Dead Beat
If You Want Peace... Prepare for War
Punch Me I Bleed

New song
New song
New song
New song
New song