Festive thoughts


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Can you believe it's mid December already guys? Where has 2004 gone?

By now I'm sure everyone is caught up with Xmas shopping, planning the holiday season, finishing Uni/College for a few weeks etc so I thought now would be a good time to post these thoughts while everyone still has web access etc

Well, 2004 has certainly been another great year for the Quest! Despite the delay, Neverworld eventually saw the light of day in Europe on March 15th. Ultimately this delay in combination with some other issues led to us terminating our deal with Now and Then Records. I know the full story on this hasn't really been revealed and in all honesty I'm not a believer in airing dirty laundry in public. However, I'm sure that many of you have read between the lines on this particular subject. We hope to make an announcement regarding the new record company in Europe in the next few weeks. Of course, we are continuing our alliance with Marquee/Avalon in the Far East.

The response to Neverworld was nothing short of amazing for us, with some fantastic reviews coming in from all round the world! No pressure for the upcoming album then eh? haha!

It was also a great year on the road. Beginning with the Summer of Metal tour in June (thanks to our friends Intense, Humanity, Infobia and Anti-Trust) and continuing through September with some great shows with Threshold and ending with the gig with Dream Evil and Labyrinth in November. Huge thanks to Karl and the Thresh guys and to Snowy and the Dream Evil boys for making us feel so welcome.

Talking of live shows, extra special thanks to YOU for coming along to the shows and showing us your amazing support! Huge shouts to the guys from Northern Ireland who flew over for the shows in Rotherham and London and to those of you who made the trip from Scotland and the North to London. But of course thanks to EVERYONE who has been to the shows. It's cool to see so many familiar, friendly faces at the gigs. :worship:

Attention is now focussed on completing the new album "Magic Never Dies" by then end of February 2005. I'm sure some of you are wondering who is gong to be occupying the drumstool on the new album......we hope to be able to reveal this particular news very soon.

Also coming in 2005 is the Official PQ Fanclub where we will be offering exclusive fanclub items along with a PQ magazine and "money off" PQ merchandise along with many more suprises. Watch out for an official announcement very soon.

Finally, on behalf of Steve, Alessio, Andrea and myself, I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and very metal New Year. Look forward to seeing you all during the course of 2005!:headbang:
Merry Christmas to all of PQ and have a great one okay?

Also Christmas wishes to all fellow metalheads who occupy this forum....you guys rock too!!

Steve, hope to see you and the guys at as many shows as possible next year. I know the new album will blow me away and I simply can't wait to hear it (and review it, hahahaha)

So then, Merry Christmas one and all have an awesome new year too!!
Dream Thief said:
Merry Christmas to all of PQ and have a great one okay?

Also Christmas wishes to all fellow metalheads who occupy this forum....you guys rock too!!

Steve, hope to see you and the guys at as many shows as possible next year. I know the new album will blow me away and I simply can't wait to hear it (and review it, hahahaha)

So then, Merry Christmas one and all have an awesome new year too!!
Thanks matey! Have a good one yourself and I'm sure our paths will cross during the course of 2005! Cheerz!:headbang:
Aye, festive thoughts to everyone in PQ and all at the forum from the Mercury Rain lot. It's been one hell of a year eh ?

Let's do it all again next year but bigger, better, louder and faster !!! :headbang:
I'm looking forward to the new album and funclub announcement :D
I wish the next year will be more metalfull to everyone here!!
Have a good Christmas time !!