FFaF new video - album is coming


Nov 27, 2009
Berlin, Germany
Just love the band.
And it's the first band that produces really "arty" music videos where I like the whole atmosphere going on.

Just released:

Wow, I've never really gave these guys a good listen till now. I'm already in love with this band. Video is great too.

'Damned If You Do, Dead If You Don't' is probably my new favorite song.
You should check out Casually Dressed And Deep In Conversation dude. Fantastic album! Hours has some good stuff too as does the Seven Ways To Scream Your Name EP.

This song's easily the weakest on the EP that was released imo, hoping the new album is gonna be good.
sounds like they made a lot of progress since they made songs like roses for the dead. I'm diggin this
No problem guys ;)^^

I have heard 2 unreleased songs live and they where ridiculously awesome, I have pretty high expectations.

The new lineup the also extreme powerfull live(and the bassist is a cool chiller:Smokedev:)
Wow thanks for sharing. I never heard of these guys until now. I love the whole LARP'ing theme for the video. :lol: And the song is sweet too!