FFVII movie trailer

Damn, this looks awesome!

Swords, motorbikes, proper drawn...This seems to be everything the hollywood-crap we saw a few years back wasn't! This movie doesn't have George Clooney.

And if it is based on FF VII, then my orgasm is complete! That is the second best PC game I have ever played!
Aragorth said:
god I thought its a movie...its just a stupid game, bah...
You continuosly prove your lack of intelligence with these kinda posts. Silence is bliss.

I dont know when will it come out exactly but if there's a trailer already, then it may be around the next summer. Thats my guess.

And it does look awesome not to mention that finally a Final Fantasy named movie will be BASED on the FFVII game. \,,/
Woah! AWESOME! One of my favourite comp. game after GTA3. I really liked Final Fantasy:spirits within. looking forward for this one..
_Zsuzsa_ said:
You continuosly prove your lack of intelligence with these kinda posts. Silence is bliss.
god I hate you, stupid bitch. I was downloading this crap thought its some movie...so it was useless downloading and now you're bashing me. Do I offended you with this?!?! NO, so stop it god damnit...in other way I will bitch you back even more, cunt. :mad:
No. I just simply didnt like your tone. Period.

@Sephi: hmm, I missed that :p crap...I wanted to give ya a lil present =/

@John: I dont think its necessary, this thread will sink in a few days anyway.
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