Fight at Rocklahoma between Scott and Frankie?!?


New Metal Member
Jul 10, 2009
Just saw this posted in a blog writeup on the first day of Rocklahoma...

Scott Ian and Frank Bello of Anthrax got into a fierce yelling match backstage minutes after they walked offstage. It quickly escalated into pushing and shoving and bumping chests. After Bello spit in Scott Ian's face, the fists came out. Frank Bello got some solid punches in, many to Scott Ian's face before security and crew pulled them apart. Ian hits like a little girl. He really got his ass beat, walking away with a bloody nose and fat, bloodied lips. I'm sure he's got at least one, if not two shiners today. It was quite a scene.

Can anyone confirm or deny that this happened?!?!?!
Just saw this posted in a blog writeup on the first day of Rocklahoma...

Scott Ian and Frank Bello of Anthrax got into a fierce yelling match backstage minutes after they walked offstage. It quickly escalated into pushing and shoving and bumping chests. After Bello spit in Scott Ian's face, the fists came out. Frank Bello got some solid punches in, many to Scott Ian's face before security and crew pulled them apart. Ian hits like a little girl. He really got his ass beat, walking away with a bloody nose and fat, bloodied lips. I'm sure he's got at least one, if not two shiners today. It was quite a scene.

Can anyone confirm or deny that this happened?!?!?!

ohh shit................
According to Blabbermouth, Scott is supposed to be out in Vegas doing the World Series of Poker, so I think it would make the news if he shows up with two black eyes. We shall see...
I'm going to call bullshit on this. It's some random asshole posting a comment on a blog. I talked to Dan last night and he didn't say anything about any fights. God damn fucking trolls. I swear to Allah...I hate the fucking interweb sometimes.
Cool, I'm glad it's false. It's just such a random thing to say, and with Frank's background, I had to at least give it some creedence.
Yeah I seriously doubt Scott hits like a "little girl". He's a little guy but I bet he could fuck somebody up NYHC style! Frankie's too cool for that anyway, bring on the tour!!:headbang:
Twitter post from Scott 12 hours ago:

Scott_Ian"Vegas. Boarding in 15. Hotel. Shower. Eat. Poker."
about 12 hours ago from web
Even if it's true, so what? When you're in a band with someone for that long, you are like brothers. Brothers fight sometimes - and sometimes all it takes is one scuffle and afterwards it's like it didn't happen. They get the aggression out and move on sometimes.