Figure Number Five guitar's sound?

Mar 1, 2009
Hi everybody,
just re-listen to this album and find it really cool :kickass:.:headbang:

I'm re-recording guitars for my album and was searching for ALL infos about the guitars/bass sound on this album.
Guitars, strings, tuning, amp, cab, guitar mic, mics, mic preamp, comp, eq, ...well, EVERYTHING you know!
If some have stems of the guitars...:saint:
I know I'm not Peter Wichers, and that he is the most important part of is sound, but really want to learn the max on this.

Thank you!
If i remember correctly they used a 5150 and a Randall cyclone, both boosted with a Maxon overdrive pedal...Caparison Angelus with emg 81s tuned to B
Fucking love this album, honestly more than NBC! (but not as much as A Predator's Portrait of course :Smokedev: ) Guitar sound is pretty cool, I guess, but I've honestly never been that crazy about any of Soilwork's tones, so it's just kinda there IMO
Thanx for answer gonzo666.

It reminds me that I have to try an emg 81 on my gibson LP standard to tighten my sound. (-> I have an OD808 into a diezel Einstein or a peavey rockmaster, great sound but not enough precision for modern death)

What's the guitar sound you prefer in modern melo death Metaltastic ?
Ooh, tough call there - Scar Symmetry's tone on their newest album is fucking AWESOME IMO (and by far their best yet, with Pitch Black in a rather distant second IMO), so there's one, and honestly, while I can't say I like pretty much any of the bands Adam D produces, they have some great tones too with that deadly combination of EMG's, some awesome tube amp, and a Recto standard 4x12 :headbang:
Yes great sound on this record too! Rectos are great, but since I tried my diezel, I don't need them anymore! It stays a classic though...

will definitively try some EMG 81 next week...

About the engeneering of "figure number five", what studio, with who, what consol, preamp,eq, mics???

Seems to be the classical neve+sm57 into ssl eq but not sure about it...
That entire album was solely produced by Soilwork, and Sven's debut with writing songs for the band as well.

Im pretty sure it was mixed at Studio Friedman as well.
I thought they used EMG 85's. At least they did when I saw them touring in support of Stabbing The Drama. Not sure if they used them in the studio or not.

I remember seeing some "studio report" pictures on their website during the making of Figure Number 5, and I know one pic showed a marshall straight cab mic'd with a single sm57, and I think in another pic one of the guitarists had a 5150 switched on sitting next to him. Of course they may have just been doing scratch tracks or something, so this whole paragraph is pointless. Sorry you read it, haha.
jeff knows about everything on this session. it was some marshall cab. with like royer 121 and u87 i think