figured you might enjoy this...


Oct 30, 2008
not trying to spam or anything since this guy is not trying to get signed at Roadrunner or anything... just figured some of you might enjoy this.
it might not be the new Gojira, or a Nickelback production, but i find it quiet magical for some reason. so here it is:

so here's the thing... the guy is a friend of mine who asked me if i can record him live, about 10-14 songs not more than 1-2 hours.
i agreed and obviously expected to spend at least 4 hours on this :loco:

anyway since all my mics but 1 sm7b are gone, i told him to bring an acoustic guitar so i can use a DI, but obviously he came with a classic guitar... :zombie:

anyway, we recorded the whole thing with just the sm7b aimed between his head and the guitar.
1 take per song.
almost no post processing.
to be precise the whole chain was:

Marco + guitar
ART pre-amp (EQ and comp bypassed)
MOTU traveler
pro tools
Frequelizer (input gain had to be way too high, so i had to remove some noise)
limiter, nothing too fancy just so it won't be too quite

that's it! just one track!
the whole thing took little less than 2 hours and it's one of the productions i'm most happy about. how funny is that?! iv'e spent countless hours on huge projects and this 2 hours, one track production, might be the most enjoyable music iv'e "produced"... o_O
It sounds quite nice. When he really puts his voice into it just a touch of ambience comes through and makes my ears happy.

glad you like my living room :)

im actually considering making a record for this guy. iv'e never heard anyone quiet as good as he is, even after auto-tune!

gonna be an awesome record :Smokin: