Film Music Concept E.P.


Mar 6, 2007
Right, so through work I met an independant movie producer/director who teaches at a University here and we exchanged information in hopes of possible working together...okay, moreso hopefully I write music that will get used in a film. It'd be sci-fi sort of stuff or at least he says thats what he mainly works with.
I've put together a couple short tracks that I think could be used well in editing images and scenes for something atmospheric...
They both revolve around a central theme as will the rest of the ep I'm working on. It will probably end up being only 5 tracks but once everything is finished I intend on showing my work to the dude.
I'd really appreciate all the feedback and help from you guys that I can possibly get.... I'm not going for standard production regarding the mix so it'd help if you can think outside of the box and sort of flow along with my vision.
Anyway, for what its worth my plan is to complete the 5 tracks and then offer the ep as a free download to you guys as a way of saying thank you for all the help and information I've gained from this forum since I joined.

P.S. the titles wont necessarily stay but like any of you know I had to call them something and the names are just what struck me while working.

The top 2 tracks "Deep Galactic Space" and "Immersion Into Deep Nothingness" on Soundclick
I'll have to remember to use SoloC, 8505, SSD 2.0 and EMG81/85 pups if I ever expect to get any feedback around here anymore.

*note to self: follow latest Andy Sneap Forum trends to get noticed*

pretty cool stuff.... would definitely suit dark slow sci-fi/goth/philisophical movie genres... for another track, I reckon you should go abit more pump pump big beats matrix style with breakdowns mixed with electronic sci/fi riffs? that shit always has its place in movies... it will be what I hope to record one of these days...
Reeeeaallly hard to judge this without seeing footage, but it really does sound atmospheric and cool, just want to see it with footage now :)
I'll have to remember to use SoloC, 8505, SSD 2.0 and EMG81/85 pups if I ever expect to get any feedback around here anymore.

*note to self: follow latest Andy Sneap Forum trends to get noticed*


2 Points here:

1. I'm jealous. I would love to do a sci fi score. I hope you understand how difficult it is to find this kind of work.
2. You are a meat head. You ask for input on your work but you offer no context. How can we judge the music without the film along with it? How can we tell you it's a good mix if we don't know when characters are speaking? Part of the mixing process is scoring with low register instruments during parts with lots of high frequency background noises, and vice versa, etc. And you're coming down on us for not critiquing your work? I listened to it yesterday and I thought "ya this could be good but I have no idea what the fuck the movie is about or looks or sounds like, so I can't really help improve it." I guess I'm too busy playing guitar with my EMG 81/85 pickups to help you make a good score.

Go fuck yourself, and good luck.

2 Points here:

1. I'm jealous. I would love to do a sci fi score. I hope you understand how difficult it is to find this kind of work.
2. You are a meat head. You ask for input on your work but you offer no context. How can we judge the music without the film along with it? How can we tell you it's a good mix if we don't know when characters are speaking? Part of the mixing process is scoring with low register instruments during parts with lots of high frequency background noises, and vice versa, etc. And you're coming down on us for not critiquing your work? I listened to it yesterday and I thought "ya this could be good but I have no idea what the fuck the movie is about or looks or sounds like, so I can't really help improve it." I guess I'm too busy playing guitar with my EMG 81/85 pickups to help you make a good score.

Go fuck yourself, and good luck.



Well I think the music is really cool, but the piano is not tight in the first song.
:lol: awesome
I want to clear things up because you guys seem to have the impression I've already LANDED a gig.. I met a director/producer who teaches locally at a university and focuses on sci-fi style independant films. We talked about potentially working on something in the future and so the entire point of me working on an e.p. is to showcase atmospheric instrumental music IN HOPES of landing a gig. There is no film at the moment and I'm not writing TO anything other than my imagination.
I value the feedback from you guys on this forum and that is why I posted.
Secondly, I'm positive my guitar would sound better if I had 81/85s in it and my 2nd post was purely out of frustration due to seeing the help and feedback others receive when using certain gear or software compared to myself not being up to speed or using the latest trend in amp sim, impulses or drum samples.
Also, the room I'm mixing in is not sound treated and I dont have a sub monitor so I was curious about the balance of the mids and highs compared to low end (which I dont think there should be much of in the first song). Other stuff that comes to mind is how much room between instruments is noticeable or does everything have room to breathe on its own?
By the way, I purposely staggered the piano in hopes it'd add dramatic effect but if it just sounds sloppy then I'll tighten the gaps a bit.