Film score piece I wrote


Prettiest Hair Around
Oct 31, 2006
What do you guys think of this? Still a work in progress and just a rough mix but how do you guys like it?

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It builds up very nicely and is well done. The instrument sounds are a bit cheesy though and sound very low budget. But good work.
I agree with you on that. Especially the strings. I just used the free halion se that came with cubase 6.5 for all the string and piano sounds. I was mostly only looking for feedback on the composition itself so thanks for the kind words. Do you have any advice on how to make it sound more professional?
I really don't know other than to get better instrument samples. The sound of the whole thing reminds me of an 80s Kung Fu movie or a low budget action film where they are flying over the congo in a helicopter haha.

Maybe you can track down someone who specialises in this kind of thing and get some help. Your actual tune/orchestration sounds fine to me.
well thanks man. That is really all I cared about for now. I am reading up on how to program more realistic orchestration. I'll just work on that until I have money for professional sample libraries. I big part of it is I did very very little to actual make the orchestration sound real in the song. I varied the velocities did a 3 or 4 tick random quantize. That's about it.