Final Mixed and Mastered Pop Punk mix(sounds like four years strong or NFG)

The guitars do sound metal but sounds really good to me anyway. They'll definately have stronger sounding guitars than others in this genre. Production sounds really good to me.

What did you use for your recording chain btw?

Great job on vocals as well. Don't like the guys voice at all but you did a great job capturing it.
yeah everyone in this band use to be in a metal or hardcore band(one of the guys is ex mychildren mybride), so they were going for the "heavier" guitar tone. If it were up to me i would have like to use an orange amp and cab or something similar.

Recording chain for guitar was Fender telecaster with emg's (lol)=>Maxon OD9=>5150II(with andy sneap settings)=>Bogner Uberkab=>sm57=>Digi 003 rack+ pre.
Vocal Chain was AT3035(awesome for the money)=>Digi 003 rack+ pre=>Melodyne=>Gate=>Compressor/de esser with -30 thresh, .1 attack, 50 release, auto makeup
Hi..exscuse me..i saw your myspace..can i make a question please?
do you use digi 003 with a pc?or it can be used only with a mac?and do you know if the 002 it good too?thank you very much
dude brian, that mix sounds bad ass. sooooo good. i can't wait to see mcmb at the cains haha. what was the master chain?