Finalizer Express users

Hi guys, I bought recently a Finalizer Express to master my songs.

My master chain is: VCC, VTM, VBC Grey, Finalizer and Ozone 5 Limiter (for dithering and extra volume if needed).

I put the grey with the usual settings (30/0.5, Ratio 2:1 and 2-3db of GR). In the Finalizer I start with the middle compression setting in the matrix, both clippers on and I raise a bit the 3 spectrum knobs to hit the limiter without adding more compression (my gain reduction in the Finalizer is 1-2 db at max). This way I get -10 RMS and more.

Another way I use it is leaving the spectrum knobs at noon with minimum adjustments, then I raise a bit the Normalize knob to start compress and with Ozone I add more volume.

I'm not happy yet with my results, I know I have to experiment a lot more but the experience from other users using it would be great.
I am still using the Finalizer Express in masters every now and then and always use it for pumping up Client Reference Mixes especially when working over the net. It's quick and easy and up to -12db RMs fairly transparent. I am always in the middle of the Matrix with about 2db compressing the bass at also works great as a digital patchbay and has some good converters in there, especially for their age.
You mean the bass spectrum knob at max? What about the other eq knobs? Do you have a bus compressor in the master chain?

Sorry, I meant compressing 2dbs bass at most...I leave the EQ Knobs in their middle position most of the time. I use an GSSL Compressor on my 2 Bus before the Finalizer always. 10:1, 10ms Attack, Fastest Release. VERY little compression.
But as said before. I use the finalizer mostly as digital patchbay and a fast way to pump up client reference mixes...every now and then it ends up on a master though. Ozone is more transparent, but the Finalizer can add a little something once in a while.