Finally broke down and got an HDTV and Satellite TV . . . what do I need to know?

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
So I just bought an HDTV (just a 32 inch LCD TV - Vizio), and I'm getting Dish Network installed this Satruday. I'm getting the HD package free for 10 months, so I'll evaluate and decide whether to pay or not after that.

Is there anything I need to know about all this? Is HD worth it? I've only had 2 channels for the past 3 years. What's out there now? Is Friends still on?:loco:
you will now see how much makeup is plastered onto actors faces ... in super duper detail.

oh yeah ... and sports are awesome in HD
you need to get an xbox 360 because it is compatible with HDTV. DO IT

oh, and i personally think satellite TV sucks. maybe this is just because i live in a windy/rainy area, and it always gets fucked up in bad weather (always). we have digital cable and it has worked like magic... the PPV program is way better as well.
Yeah, digital cable is pretty awesome, we've only had for for about a month or so and I've hardly used it, but it's fucking nice from what I've been able to tell thus far, and better than the satellite experiences I've had.
Our tv exploded so we bought an HDTV as well a couple weeks ago. Everything on the Discovery HD Theater is fucking incredible.

Plus playing Gears of War/Lost Planet in HD is a sight to behold.
Discovery HD Theater is the best channel ever. Except for that show Insectia that comes on, with the extremely creepy French guy.