Finally got my power amp


Teh Forum Fuhrer
Sep 16, 2002
After three months of getting no gear for my guitar. . i finally have one of the final pieces. .

THE POWER AMP!!!!!!!11!!!

A VHT Model 2/50/2

I kick ass amp indeed. . . i put $306 Down on it this after noon, so by this time next month i should be rocking the walls of my house to the GROUND!!!!!!
Indiooo said:
What's your preamp? Tell me it's tube... What a waste of tone it would be to use that with a crappy preamp. :)
i have two, A line 6 POD Pro (i can get some really nice tones out of it; and a Lee Jackson Perfect Connection GP-1000. I tried both of em out, and thats what sold me on it. . .

:worship: :worship: VHT :worship: :worship: