Finally got my Schecter Jeff Loomis! (Pics & clips)

I guess he was after a brighter sound... dunno. I love how the Hellraiser sounds thou. Best guitar I own hands down.

I can relate to that, definitely. The Hellraiser is a very dark sounding axe. However I think he would've got better results just giving his sig a maple top, or maple neck with a mahogany body. We've done shoot-outs here and the Hellraiser without a doubt sounds better than the Loomis, which to me is the really unfortunate thing.

Anyway, congrats on your purchase. May you have many happy years of 6-string sweeping on it.
Thanks everyone :)

It's just missing the floyd

I intentionally choose not to have floyd rose on this. Got tired to it after having two guitars with whammy-bar.

does anybody know if there ia a left handed version of this beauty!?

There's no left handed version :/
Beautiful guitar, I love the design aesthetic:rock:...congatulations on your new instrument, and congratulations on choosing it because it meets your needs, not because the industry 'sold' it to you.

I don't care who designed a guitar, who built it, who plays it, or most of all the price tag...the proof is always in the pudding as they say...if it plays/sounds right, it IS right.

I'm old enough to listen with my EARS...a good trick to be sure.
Too many of us have erred in the selection of something (anything) because we listened with our eyes (brand name, price tag, artist endorsement) instead of our ears.
i'd totally be interested in one of these if they had a fretboard that was made of anything but maple

alas, i'll probably be sending my $$ to stinnett for my next guitar...may as well get my own sig. model :heh: