finally got taking the music back single...

Steve M

Surasshu Metaru
Feb 1, 2002
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
so, i finally got the taking the music back single. i just never got around to ordering it. however, today i went to an independent record store in my area and they had it... 10 bucks. booyah.

ghost is pretty kickass. the u2 cover is sweet... bush's vox remind me of his saint days. the police cover is great too. frank sounds great. the background vocals are great too.

the band always pick great songs to cover and always do a great job too.
yeah i am going to order it thru amazon hopefully,i did find a site to dl the whole single,ghost is a good song but not good enough for wcfya,good decision leaving it off,the u2 cover is pretty cool,john does a good job of sounding like bono lol
Mr Thrax - Ive seen it everywhere everytime I've been in JB hifi - do you have that store in Sydney - I woulda thought so.... if you do give it a shot.

Not long to go now, dude .................
I completely disagree about Ghost staying off of WCFYA. That song fuckin rules. The drum bridge that Charlie does leading into the solo is fucking awesome and the solo by Rob would have qualified as one if not the best on WCFYA. I got the opportunity to ask Rob at the Orlando show why it was left off and he said he fought for it to be on the disk. He thought the song had too many good elements not to be included.

Ghost and both covers are awesome. Charlie's drumming on the Police song, once again is great. And Frank could easily be the lead singer for any band he joins or starts in the future.
clutch has like evelenty billion songs that were never on records because they "didn't fit in with the rest of the album." i always thought that was a bullshit reason... but i think that's the case with ghost. it's still a great fucking song thought.