FINALLY, I have one!!


Feb 20, 2005
Well dudes, after months of yammering about how much I want one and dispensing advice to others as to why they should as well, I finally got me a Mesa Stiletto (AKA Rectifier Traditional) cab! Just picked it up from a guy in Albany (about an hour away from Oneonta where I'm in school, we met halfway) for $600, which is a pretty good deal for a Stiletto, especially a silver one! It's funny, the Rectifier (oversized) cabs regularly go for $400-$500 even if they're in excellent condition, but the smaller Stilettos are always more, probably because they're harder to find. But I got one, and I love the color!


Sorry for the laughable pic quality - naturally, I can't exactly mic it up at 11 PM (and I have homework), but I'll get clips up soon! I did play through it a bit though, and it sounds fantastic; way darker than I expected, but I'd rather have a dark cab than an overly fizzy/bright one (like a certain Bogner oversized 2x12 that I endured for a year before coming to my senses :mad: )
Dude, that floor looks awesome, like it makes that room kickass at recording that shit. NEED SAMPZ.

Also, I was wondering if you can take all the shit front panel SHIT off the JSX.
I might keep the big chrome dangalangs because I just realized that they make an "S", and my name is Sloan, so that would be cool to make the ladies think that it's my own custom amp and i have enough money to ride in a fucking coke-filled limo and shit.

The silver looks koolzers
Hahahahaha, thanks dude, your brand of humor is by far the funniest I've seen on this forum, and slays me every time :lol: The floor is actually a faux-hardwood laminate of sorts, but it's the living room right outside my bedroom, so I'll definitely have the cab in there and the head in my room while tracking!

And yeah, the front panel on the JSX is removable, and the "S" shape is actually still there, so you can keep your namesake and not have to deal with the horrendous silver-surfer look of the chrome (or get 'em painted black by your local autobody shop like I did :heh: )
And yes, I know it may seem odd for me to condemn the front-panels of the JSX as looking too "silver-surfery" in a thread I started to brag about my silver cab :D - but it's the CHROME of the JSX panels that really irks me with its cheese factor...
Hahaha, my pleasure man - and I can't blame you for not noticing details in the pic when the camera on my phone makes it look like I smeared the lens with soup! :rolleyes:

It's funny to read the price difference. The Recto Oversize commonly goes for $600 second hand? Here a friend of mine got one used for $1,400 and that was an AMAZING deal.

Haha, actually, the Recto oversize normally goes for $400-$500 second-hand :D It's the Stiletto/Recto Traditional (that I got) that hovers around $600-$700.
You go to Oneonta?? I graduated from there in 2000. What's your major?
I have my B.A. in Music Industry.
God dammit Sloan is fucking hilarious, as I've said in another thread or two.

Oh, nice cab Marcus :kickass:

Thanks man! I'm actually home for the weekend selling my Engl cab to Obscura on here, but when I get back I'll definitely get some sweet reampage on. And I know you definitely prefer the Recto Standard cab after much experience with both, but I really wanted to try this one out cuz on paper it seems like it'd be more the kind of tone I'm looking for, and since it's the more expensive of the two second-hand, I shouldn't have any trouble breaking even if I decide to ditch it for a Recto in the future!

And RockGuitar, ask and you shall receive :) (ignore that overhyped hunk of fizzy crap beneath it :mad: )

You go to Oneonta?? I graduated from there in 2000. What's your major?
I have my B.A. in Music Industry.

Fucking awesome dude, small world! I actually started as a MI major, but I realized that it really wasn't what I wanted to do (music is too near and dear to my heart for me to have to do anything related to it for my money-making source), so I actually switched to Urban and Regional Planning (a track of the Geography major), and I'll hopefully be graduating with a BS in it this Spring! I took all the Audio Arts Production classes as electives, though, and am pretty chummy with a lot of the staff there; anyone you want me to give a what's up to? And what's your name man? I'm Marcus :)

Oh yeah, and what're you up to these days? I'm curious as to how well you think the degree in MI served you in the work world.