I know, I know, it's been covered A LOT - but Mesa OS or Trad. 4x12?

Well the TV has greenbacks (rather than V30s), so it's not quite a fair comparison (the 1960av has V30s, or rather, speakers that are VERY similar to V30s). By the way, I've had my Stiletto for a little over a month now and absolutely love it; check out the top Tiny Terror test on the soundclick player on my myspace in my sig to hear it in action!
thanks, sounds good for metal low stuff that's for sure.
I'm used to play my dual rectifier through an ampeg svt810 bass cab cause that's all I have right now and to me the mesa stiletto cab was not as versatile as my svt cab is for some reason...
I'm more into rock but I record metal and punk mostly, to me my svt sounded a shitload better on clean and crunch but mostly on crunch, the mesa didn't do it IMO but it was good on heavier stuff, the marshall with greenbacks in it was closer to what I'm looking for but not sure if it was quite there.