I wanna build a new cab


Mar 30, 2005
Last year I built an oversized 2x12, oversized because I had the hope to fill the lacks of bass of these cabs.
After an year of recording though it with my Savage, I still don't like the sound (miced). I find it very Edgy, Fizzy (but my savage 60 doesn't help very much) and boomy if there are lot of bass (expecially with a Powerball).
Moreover when I pan L and R 2 guitar tracks, I find them not too much 3D compared to a 4x12's panned tracks..
Now I'm thinking to build a 4x12 cab (Engl pro or Mesa OS specifics) but I'm not shure to solve my problems.
Last year I heard the Lasse's Savage 60 clips recorded with an Engl Pro and they are very very good (compared with mines), so I think a 4x12 would have a positive difference in miced sound.

Any advice?
It's so hard to give advice here because every little element in your construction affects tone. Ideally we'd just have a 1x12 suspended in a closed back cab, but obviously that doesn't give us the same mic'ed sound as 4x12 for whatever reasons. All I could suggest is to just try to nail the specifications of the ENGL or Mesa cabs exactly. Every little thing alters your tone, and of course no one speaker sounds like the others of its type. From what I gathered, the V30s used in the Mesa cabs aren't the stock Celestion ones?

Anyhow, sorry I can't be useful, but I wish you luck and look forward to hearing what you come up with. Do you have any clips of your current 2x12?
Yes I have some samples. Anyway, of course, I follow the exact specifications of the cab I wanna replicate. My 2x12 is a Laboga Oversize replica.
I found a very good tone (in my opinion) for a reamp I tried to do for a song posted here. I noticed that for standard tuning, Savage + my 2x12 cab are very good and tight, but if there are very low tunings like C and B..my combination becomes bodyless, boomy and fizzy (it could be the amp's caracter)

Here's the sample:
Ohohohoho...I didn't remember it was one of your work :)
Anyway, I don't know at all how a Laboga cab sounds :) It was a blind experiment. I chose that specifications because I wanted a bigger 2x12 and the Bogner OS is enormous
I can attest to the Bogner OS being a pretty durn fizzy cab, so yeah, 4x12 all the way! (and I vote Mesa specs :D 4x 8 ohm V30s rear-mounted on the baffle from the back and wired in series/parallel for 8 ohm mono operation, and slightly oversized at ~33" tall x 30" wide x 14.5" deep)
Yes, Mesa is one of my choice. I've never heard an Engl throught a Mesa cab...I don't know if they fit well togheter..
My 2 options are Mesa OS and Engl Pro...and I like them both (also listening the cab shotout made by Lasse)...
Does anyone has heard any Engl amp through a Mesa cab?
Has anyone of you ever played/heard an Engl amp through a mesa os cab?

I often use my ENGL Invader with my Recto 4X12". It sounds great, mean and aggressive when needed.

The Mesa Recto cab is usually the best bet when tracking guitars, it has sounded amazing with every single amp I have used it with.


My rigs, sorry about the mess at the backround, I took this picture just before I started building my home studio.(and yeah, I took the gear out before I started "building")
Uhm.......so? :rolleyes:

Anyway, Tomir, which one do you like more? Mesa or Orange? I know you used to prefer the orange some time ago

Well, now that I have them both and can really compare the two, I would say that I do prefer the Mesa cab most of the time, but I do use the ENGL with the Orange cab most of the time, since those two really sound amazing together.

But yeah, with the ENGL I usually go with the Orange, but with everything else, I go with the Recto cab 99% of the time.
Uhm.......so? :rolleyes:

Anyway, Tomir, which one do you like more? Mesa or Orange? I know you used to prefer the orange some time ago

^^ sorry dude- (i figure you missed the joke on that) :p


^ check that out.

Wow, you heard about him!?

He popped up on a local Melbournian musician forum I frequent and has since exploded as an internet phenomenon... a band I know were actually getting some custom axes made by him for shits... he's truly terrible!

Yeh Erms, the guy's an absolute window licker lol :yuk:
Wow, you heard about him!?

He popped up on a local Melbournian musician forum I frequent and has since exploded as an internet phenomenon... a band I know were actually getting some custom axes made by him for shits... he's truly terrible!

Thank god for the internet, it's like putting market forces on speed!
Woooooaaaaaa...amazing guitars!! :D You was right...If they build cabs I would think to buy one from them absolutellly!!!!

There would be a couple of downsides though:

-They would only work with Randalls

-They wouldn't sound good unless you had your volume and bass at 10

-You would need to make up your mind on what tuning you would be using with the cab before you placed your order


That thread is comedy gold!