Hi !! 
Next monday i'm gonna buy an Engl Savage 120, but i'm not sure if I should buy an 4x12 Engl or an 2x12 (v30). I'm using the Savage + cab for recording and for rehealsals. The other guitarplayer in the band uses an Powerball + 4x12 v30 Engl cab. Is there much difference between 2x12 and a 4x12?
Next monday i'm gonna buy an Engl Savage 120, but i'm not sure if I should buy an 4x12 Engl or an 2x12 (v30). I'm using the Savage + cab for recording and for rehealsals. The other guitarplayer in the band uses an Powerball + 4x12 v30 Engl cab. Is there much difference between 2x12 and a 4x12?