2x12 or 4x12 engl cab

Hi !! :goggly:

Next monday i'm gonna buy an Engl Savage 120, but i'm not sure if I should buy an 4x12 Engl or an 2x12 (v30). I'm using the Savage + cab for recording and for rehealsals. The other guitarplayer in the band uses an Powerball + 4x12 v30 Engl cab. Is there much difference between 2x12 and a 4x12?

MMmmmmmmm Savage Savage Savage...

Nice choice dude, I'm super jealous. :) As for cabs, I would really recommend trying both the 4x12 and 2x12 (make sure that either they're both PRO or both standard), cuz I'm starting to feel I might not have made the best choice with my Bogner 2x12. It's funny, most people say 4x12's have better bass response, but my Bogner has incredibly deep and tight lows, so that's not the problem - it sounds great in the room, but under the mic (and then later once you listen for it in the room) there's this really annoying frequency peak in the high mids that I can only describe as "clangy" - I've heard people talking about needing to notch V30's around 2-4k, but I still wanna try my Bogner next to an Engl and Mills Acoustics V30 cab and see if they're any better.
I was surprised to note that the ENGL 4x12's don't have any internal partitioning like some cabs (Mesa?). Play both the 2x12 and 4x12 and see which you like. I would also like to compare two 2x12's as opposed to a single 4x12 and see which sounded tighter.