So, which 4x12" cab for recording?

cool, nice to see mesa makes real straight cabs now, the old one's still used the have the two top speakers slanted
I think they have made straight cabs for a long time, just like other cab makers, but for some reason they aren't that common. Maybe less are built, or maybe retailers and customers mostly order slanted ones, so only those are kept in stock.

Oh nevermind, I misread your post.

i ment like this, bottom cab, but still slanted, always found those kinda weird.
Okay, I've been playing around for a while now and first impressions compared to my Engl 2x12" Vintage: The Mesa is slightly smoother with a bit more bass and weight to the tone. Otherwise they're quite similar. When recorded, the Mesa seems to have a bit more midrange and less treble when recorded from roughly the same location on a speaker with the same SM57. But the overall response to playing and so on are pretty much the same on both cabs.

Here's a quick first clip I recorded, Engl Powerball -> Mesa -> SM57 -> Fireface 400 -> Cubase

Just a highpass and small notch at ~800 Hz. There's two different mic locations in the clip, the first one is a bit further away and more to the side of center, and the second one is almost touching the cloth near-center.

Here's two pics too:



I like that tone quite a bit, do you think the same guitar and cab with a dual rectifier instead could have as much mids?