Mesa Rectifier cab : "straight" vs "slanted"


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
I just bought a 4x12" Mesa slanted Rectifier cab ("oversized" if you prefer).
Sounds very good, but there's definitely something I don't like with the slanted version, it's very agressive because of the upper speakers angle in the cab.

How does it compare to the straight version ? I mean that I'm used to straight cabs, they generally sound darker and more pleasant to the ears (which I prefer). Does it affect the recorded signal too ?
I just bought a 4x12" Mesa slanted Rectifier cab ("oversized" if you prefer).
Sounds very good, but there's definitely something I don't like with the slanted version, it's very agressive because of the upper speakers angle in the cab.

How does it compare to the straight version ? I mean that I'm used to straight cabs, they generally sound darker and more pleasant to the ears (which I prefer). Does it affect the recorded signal too ?

Guitarhack is just recording a comparison clip...
perhaps he'll post the result somewhen tomorrow
Really interested in seeing the results of this post... always wondered if there is any slight difference in between slanted and straight...
Yeah, same here, but since Mesa only started making straight Rectifier cabs ~2 years ago, so many great tones have been recorded with slants that I'm not too worried! (and I'm pretty happy with what I've gotten from mine :D - here's my best!) Definitely mic one of the bottom speakers though IMO (and elevate it off the floor so you don't get reflections from it), cuz they sound noticeably fuller, as I demonstrated here:
The straights tend to be more directional (duh) and throw a lot more and are nice if you're playing in a small room so you don't get those top 2 angled speakers in your face... I have an angled one and once you stand a certain distance away you get the ice pick in the face.
Yeah, same here, but since Mesa only started making straight Rectifier cabs ~2 years ago, so many great tones have been recorded with slants that I'm not too worried! (and I'm pretty happy with what I've gotten from mine :D - here's my best!) Definitely mic one of the bottom speakers though IMO (and elevate it off the floor so you don't get reflections from it), cuz they sound noticeably fuller, as I demonstrated here:

damn what amp were you using the clip that was labeled "here"
damn what amp were you using the clip that was labeled "here"

If there's on thing you learn on this forum, it's that metaltastic = mesa dual rectifier 2 channel

almost always anyway. I'm only on laptop speakers right now so i can't hear exactly what's going on in that clip. Might be an ampsim one, i can remember one from a while back
If there's on thing you learn on this forum, it's that metaltastic = mesa dual rectifier 2 channel

almost always anyway. I'm only on laptop speakers right now so i can't hear exactly what's going on in that clip. Might be an ampsim one, i can remember one from a while back

Another thing you'll learn is that Metaltastic will give links to his clips at any opportunity :p.
If there's on thing you learn on this forum, it's that metaltastic = mesa dual rectifier 2 channel

almost always anyway. I'm only on laptop speakers right now so i can't hear exactly what's going on in that clip. Might be an ampsim one, i can remember one from a while back

Haha, thank you John, and yes, that is indeed the Recto! :rock:

Another thing you'll learn is that Metaltastic will give links to his clips at any opportunity :p.

Well first of all, not really, and second, I've got pride in my clips, it's up to people's discretion to decide whether or not they think it's warranted!
I'm getting a marshall cab, used, but here is the problem:

Both are in great shape, both are going for $400 but the straight (which i prefer) is 3 hours away, and the slanted is only 35min away.

What do I do?
I'm getting a marshall cab, used, but here is the problem:

Both are in great shape, both are going for $400 but the straight (which i prefer) is 3 hours away, and the slanted is only 35min away.

What do I do?

You should buy both, ship them to my address, and I will give you 500$ for each.
You pay shipping costs and taxes.