FINALLY I made the switch - Mac > PC


Jul 7, 2005
Can't believe how much better my life is without all that branded nonsence and prententious MAC heads telling me how much better there operating system is..............Sheesshh I should have made the move years ago.

This is great - i've just downloaded a free copy of Waves V5, soundreplacer, Reaktor 5, Trilogy, Stylus and not paid for any of it - aaaahhh this is the life.


I got hands on both machines... and i must say both are pretty much the same. I saw Macs crash, i saw Pcs crash. theonly huge difference is the price. But then again... you have also to pay a lot for a solid PC.
Btw.: you can also get "freeware" for macs if you search in the right places. ;)

Have fun!
pharrell said:
...all that branded nonsence and prententious MAC heads...

I'm off to the nearest shelter, don't expect me back soon...


edit: ^ image by: Hammer Bart, part-time MS Paint artist (wahaha) and pre-cog at the Andy Sneap forum.
I just got a Mac, after using PCs for many years. I can honestly say I like it MUCHHHHH better. No spyware and viruses, no BSOD (blue screens of death), and I'm using mighty mouse with the scroll wheel...So yes, I technically have a 2 button mouse as well. :tickled: I can honestly never see myself going back to a PC. I also love that I don't need any stupid drivers or CDs to install hardware. Plug it in and BAM, recognized instantly.

Love my Mac.

J.DavisNJ said:
I just got a Mac, after using PCs for many years. I can honestly say I like it MUCHHHHH better. No spyware and viruses, no BSOD (blue screens of death), and I'm using mighty mouse with the scroll wheel...So yes, I technically have a 2 button mouse as well. :tickled: I can honestly never see myself going back to a PC. I also love that I don't need any stupid drivers or CDs to install hardware. Plug it in and BAM, recognized instantly.

Love my Mac.

yeah, what he said:headbang:
This topic has been well covered by James and others. I switched from PC to Mac in 1998 and I've been happier ever since! A few facts:

Macs do not have viruses or spyware. Period.
Macs are more stable than PCs. Period.
Macs run higher plug-in counts than PCs. Period.
There is more professional grade music software for the Mac. Period.
There is great freeware on the Mac.
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Yeah, though he wasn't talking about freewares but about pirated copies.

There is plenty of warez and [k]racks on the Mac, if you're like Rob Halford and are into "Breaking the Law!!"

I stay honest these days with anything I use for a final product... but I still have one foot partially in the warez scene... in the closet... or something...
congrats pharrel... you win the Pretentious PC User Of The Year award, with notable mention for brazen piracy and lack of forsight. rock on \m/

btw, i have a 4 button mouse, 5 when you count the fact that the scroll wheel is also clickable. right clicking (known originally on Macs as Control clicking) to access more folder, object and desktop actions was yet another GUI innovation originated by guess who?.... Apple.

Can't wait for your "HELP" threads.. they'll start soon.
never had any problems with my PC. Plus it's cheap enough that I can upgrade it in a year or so for hardly nothing.
I think it's funny how worked up people get over whether someone would rather use a Mac or PC. They both have advantages and disadvantages. Is one better than another? No, not for all applications. To each his own.

As for Mac's not having viruses or spyware...don't assume that's forever. What everyone means is that not many Mac specific viruses have been developed yet, as most viruses are windows (and Internet Explorer) based. When they are (and they will be soon), you'll probably be hearing about a lot of Mac's being destroyed because Mac users (and I'm just stereotyping here) seem to have this invulnerablility complex that makes them think their machine is invincible on the web. Chances are their carefree mentalities will make them more prone to viruses than PC users who have learned they have to be cautious over time.

In grad school, I knew a guy (who ironically now works for Microsoft) that developed a virus that would gut your Mac from the inside out in about 10 - 15 seconds.
silverwulf said:
In grad school, I knew a guy (who ironically now works for Microsoft) that developed a virus that would gut your Mac from the inside out in about 10 - 15 seconds.

That was probably in OS 9. I challenge anyone to develop a virus for OS X. Its architecture is inherently far more secure than Windows. It's really ridiculous/unfair to even compare them, as Windows is full of holes, and probably always will be.
Kazrog said:
That was probably in OS 9. I challenge anyone to develop a virus for OS X. Its architecture is inherently far more secure than Windows. It's really ridiculous/unfair to even compare them, as Windows is full of holes, and probably always will be.

I think it was OS 9, actually. But yeah, Mac's are naturally more secure at the moment. But it's really only a matter of time before they become prey to the latest round of hackers looking to bug your system. In Windows, It's just like Mozilla and others...right now they're not too succeptible to viruses because about 99.9% of viruses are written to be Internet Explorer specific. Give it some time and you'll have the same problems. Mac's aren't infallible...they're just the less popular alternative overall, which makes them less a target than PC's. Now that Macs are becoming more popular, it'll probably speed up the rate at which viruses are created for them.
I think the reason there are not any known Viri for OS-X is due to the fact that the hackers, crackers, Script-Kiddies, etc. aren't focused on cracking into UNIX based systems. I think the real reason is due to the fact that Windows is easy to get into. I'm sure MAC has holes in it somewhere... but why burglarize a house that has the most inpenatrable locks when your neighbors house's door is wide open and unlocked? I think that is the biggest difference--everyone hates Micro$oft and it is just SO easy to get into.

I do agree though, The new OS-X is rediculously secure.

I also agree with KAZZZZ on this one in regards to the amount of professional software used with MACs. I KNOW that your decision of whether you use a MAC or a standard PC depends upon what you're using it for. o_O
Blah, championing any platform gets tiring very, very fast.

Congrats pharrel, I'm glad you're happy with your purchase. In a few months time I'll be joining you in getting another PC, but not before I take the time to read up on an array of parts and plan a custom-built machine.