FINALLY I made the switch - Mac > PC

silverwulf said:
I think it was OS 9, actually. But yeah, Mac's are naturally more secure at the moment. But it's really only a matter of time before they become prey to the latest round of hackers looking to bug your system. In Windows, It's just like Mozilla and others...right now they're not too succeptible to viruses because about 99.9% of viruses are written to be Internet Explorer specific. Give it some time and you'll have the same problems. Mac's aren't infallible...they're just the less popular alternative overall, which makes them less a target than PC's. Now that Macs are becoming more popular, it'll probably speed up the rate at which viruses are created for them.

I agree with the general principle of this argument, except that the whole approach to the operating system is inherently different. Unix has gone through its security woes years ago and there's simply not the same kind of ease-of-cracking in any Unix platform, Mac OS X in particular. Even Sony's infamous rootkit has to be manually installed on the Mac, after entering an admin password, just like any other app install.
I think in their attempt to make Windows as user friendly as possible, Microsoft have also signed its death warrant. I'd much rather an operating system which is geared towards efficiency and security from the get-go, rather than some colourful frilly UI. Surely enough if you know your way around XP, you can optimize it quite well and with the help of 3rd party software even keep it relatively secure. Still, there's a long way to go up.
I think what a lot of people fail to realize is that if an "army" the size of the one that feverishly works to poke holes in MS operating systems were to turn their energy towards any other OS, a lot of vulnerabilities would be exposed. It's not quite as simple as many make it to be.
Moonlapse said:
I think in their attempt to make Windows as user friendly as possible, Microsoft have also signed its death warrant. I'd much rather an operating system which is geared towards efficiency and security from the get-go, rather than some colourful frilly UI. Surely enough if you know your way around XP, you can optimize it quite well and with the help of 3rd party software even keep it relatively secure. Still, there's a long way to go up.

no, the real problem is that MS release buggy, incomplete software... since SP2 it's been fine. If SP2 had been the initial release then the world would be a happier place.
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
finally a voice of reason

theres only one REAL difference between PC's and Macs.


Goodnight, end of fucking story.

Macs are better. FACT. For any person, for any purpose. This does not make me opinionated or "bigoted," it is the simple acknowledgement of fact.
I think maybe the problem is with his delivery. Maybe if he had just said, "I switched from Mac to PC and am happy with my personal choice", all would have been well, and a few would have given props and be done with it. Or maybe, in hindsight, even bringing up switching from a MAC to PC, or PC to MAC just isn't for this forum :loco:
Kazrog said:
Macs are better. FACT. For any person, for any purpose. This does not make me opinionated or "bigoted," it is the simple acknowledgement of fact.

I got three Macs and one PC. My first Mac was a IIci.

If you can tweak the guts of these calculators and understand what you're doing a PC delivers (much) more for much less, but you have to read a lot of info before you get the right cpu, mobo & stuff. Not that difficult btw, but you need to learn that.
With the coming of the Macintels we'll finaly see who's the fastest OS although that doesn't matter much for me since I have to freeze every track due to the ridiculous powerhungry plugins I use (which aren't available for the Mac btw).

If you want a computer that operates like a good japanese car without the need for inside knowledge or the hassle that comes with configuring and understanding all kinds of parts like cpu's, hard-disks etc get a Mac. You can be a noob behind OSX and be mighty proud of it. ;)

Some apps on the Mac are great (Altiverb, Channelstrip), some apps on the PC are great (Algorithmix RedEQ). What I don't like about the Mac is its elitism that seems to rub off on its fosterparents. What I don't like about the PC is the clumsy WinXP OS, although OSX also knows how to hide all kinds of OSstuff in strange folders.
My favorite OS is still MacOS9, dead simple but totally outdated..

And G5's arent that fast. That's what I really dislike about Apple, Steve always falsifies the benchmarks. Logic Audio ran horribly on a G4MDD with OSX2.8. And this is a quote from the Waves website:

"Even the most well-equipped studios have a limited supply of outboard EQs, which limits the channels you can put them on. That limitation disappears with Q-Clone. It’s like opening a closet and finding stacks and stacks (e.g. up to 24 instances of Q-Clone on a Mac G5 dual 2.5 with Pro Tools or 25 instances of Q-Clone on PC P4 3.6 with Pro Tools) of your favorite box—enough for every channel and more."

So I didn't made a switch, I just configured a PC next to my Macs and it turned out to be the machine that allowed me to be more creative and productive than my Macs, although I couldn't miss them due to their own specialities.

But if I was forced into a coice it would be a pc. Fast, fluid and reliable, even the partition I use to test (& mess up) all kinda softwareinstalls runs Logic Audio perfect.
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
no, the real problem is that MS release buggy, incomplete software... since SP2 it's been fine. If SP2 had been the initial release then the world would be a happier place.

I've only ever gone as far as SP1 but I've found it perfectly useable. If anything, wasn't it SP2 that introduced a ton of bugs into XP?

I don't know. I really don't understand what people ramble about when they say 'blah blah, spyware, viruses, slow, slow'. I've never had any major issues with Windows machines. I really haven't.. in particular for audio recording. I run an antiquated Athlon 1700+ xp and I manage to do simple metal mixes fine on it. The thing is a piece of crap that my old man got ripped off on and it isn't purpose-built for anything, yet it still manages to do everything fine.

A friend of mine bought himself a G4 laptop because he'd heard how fantastic Macs were at graphic design work. The first problem he encountered was that he actually had to pay for Photoshop. The second problem he encountered was that his HD died within a month. His most recent course of action? Went back to his PC, upgraded it to a modern CPU, 2gb of DDR400 RAM, got a SATA II HD and all his graphic design is running fine. The wonderful thing about this upgrade was that it didn't even cost him over a grand.
I have used Windows pretty much all of my life. Then i decided to get a Powerbook for various reasons. I never really used to mind Windows when it was all I used. But after using a Mac in my music technology class in high school, i was hooked. They are just so easy to use. And yes, you don't really have to worry about being targeted for viruses and spyware...but it is just so easy to use and just...awesome. But it is kind of annoying running Ad-Aware on the Windows box every few days just to make sure that my computer is free of spyware. But whatever. Each to their own.
BlackestEyes said:
thats cheap. no pun intended.

It's buggy as it's not a full version, and you can't run everything since not all software has been ported for use with x86 processors (just PPC). When 10.4.4 comes out and everyone releases Intel versions it's going to be a lot better.

Personally I can't imagine completely switching over to Mac, I'd have to have both. They both have the strengths and weaknesses.

One really exciting thing about the new Windows Vista though that's actually innovative for a change...
Every application will have individual volume control!
Kazrog said:
That was probably in OS 9. I challenge anyone to develop a virus for OS X. Its architecture is inherently far more secure than Windows. It's really ridiculous/unfair to even compare them, as Windows is full of holes, and probably always will be.

ita all Unix now anyway .... Been looking at the new Microshit OS (Long Horn / Vista) As well and its not sprprisingly Unix like.... I only use PC cause i cant afford mac ... eventually im sure i will make the switch aswell.

Im not a fan of Mac by anymeans but for Audio and Graphics they DESTROY PC's
guitarguru777 said:
Been looking at the new Microshit OS (Long Horn / Vista) As well and its not sprprisingly Unix like....

Huh? What do you mean?

Unix is just an OS... Microsoft could make Windows look exactly like OS X if they wanted...

If anything the new Windows is looking more and more like OS X from the screenshots I've looked at... Lots of new features stolen from OS X (some developers have even admitted off the record they're delaying production a little to see what else the Apple crew has in store with 10.4.4+ to add to Vista) even the new Internet Explorer is more simple and streamlined looking akin to Safari.