
Dec 20, 2008
So its all happening!
Finally, they have revealed the name of the album, the cover and new songs.
Sample of a new song, one complete new song and tastes like kevin bacon redone! I kind of miss the reverb of the voice in the new version, when its clean singing but hopefully its not as final as they say.

My friends thoughts about the cover:


(Reek Of Putrefaction or Symphonies Of Sickness from CARCASS, And I, The Drunkards from SOCIETY’S FINEST)
where the FUCK have i been? i wrestled a whaaaaaat? :lol:

wow the drums are very impressive in this band and this chick seems like she can actually belt out a note or two! and complete with breakdownz, ooooh vedyvedynice!:Smokin:
these guys are actually not far from me..... I remember them before they got signed. We done shows with them before.

They are just that typical scene kid shit that as popular if not more popular than "christian" emo screamo metal right now.

This band is one of those....either you really really like it....or really really hate it.
these guys are actually not far from me..... I remember them before they got signed. We done shows with them before.

They are just that typical scene kid shit that as popular if not more popular than "christian" emo screamo metal right now.

This band is one of those....either you really really like it....or really really hate it.

I belong to the latter.
I wish they would just drop the weeedleeeweeeedleee and the chuggachugga-skreeee-chuggaa and record a cd that would contain pure audible comedy.
I was contacted by Mikey the drummer to do this record. However instead of going with me Mr. Noname, they went with Ross Robinson. I dont blame them, being in the middle of Oklahoma on the prairie isn't as cool as being on the beach in SolCal. Mikey was telling me that Ross was a douche. They brought in triggers and Ross was put out by it, saying he got bad vibes from triggers. Is it me or dose the guitars sound strange? Anyway hope it takes off for them. I'm hoping to do surrounded by monsters soon. However Im sure they can find someone better.. haha.