Classics you've missed

Depends on the album or the collection.
I mean, I have (well sold the physical boxset and have MP3s) the WHEELS OF CONFUSION box, and that's more than enough Ozzy era Sabbath you need.

The best straight through FULL LENGTH Sabbath's are Tony Martin or Ian Gillan albums anyhow. Oh and that short guy who's name I cant recall. LOL

Blasphemy! The first six Sabbath albums are all damn near perfect in my book. Heaven and Hell is too, but the other Dio albums I felt were inconsistent. I'm trying to get some of the Martin and Gillan albums.
I think "classics" are in the eye of the beholder so to say. There are lots of bands that have that classic album that is a must but it is not always the best in my case. For example...people say Demon "Night of the Demon" is thier classic essential album....I say "taking the world by storm". I never like the whole idea behind...this is an album you HAVE to hear.

I get your point, but there are some universally hailed classics...the ones that get on EVERY top 10 list, inducted into Decibel Hall of Fame, the ones where bands make a killing playing that album and only that album live, etc....your Rust in Peaces, Left Hand Paths, and Reign in Bloods. For example, I would not consider any non-Ozzy/Dio Sabbath albums to fit that criteria, although they are very good records.
I get your point, but there are some universally hailed classics...the ones that get on EVERY top 10 list, inducted into Decibel Hall of Fame, the ones where bands make a killing playing that album and only that album live, etc....your Rust in Peaces, Left Hand Paths, and Reign in Bloods. For example, I would not consider any non-Ozzy/Dio Sabbath albums to fit that criteria, although they are very good records.

Eh, its in the eye of the beholder.

I mean, for me personally, I would take South of Heaven over RIB ANY day of the week.

I also think as a full album, Motorhead's Another PErfect Day is one of their top 5 greatest albums, where many critics (IE - your Decibel, or whatever crap hipster rag) would say it was a failure because it had some wimp from Thin Lizzy play on it instead of Eddie Clarke.
Well, with Sabbath, honestly, you can really be ok with one of the zillion collections out there. I mean, I have a lot of the studio albums, but many of them end up getting traded a long the way, as they aren't necessities.

Though I guess I know most of the material like the back of my hand.

A few years ago I decided to give them another chance and got "Paranoid." I listened to it one and a half times. It felt like a thousand! I'll be happy if I never hear that band again.
I'v heard songs here and there, but I have yet to really listen to Angra. I also have only listened to maybe a couple of Stratovarius albums. Another one for me would be Bathory.

Anyone who hasn't gotten into Bathory is really missing out. Don't worry about Angra, Stratovarius or anyone else until you have "Blood Fire Death" and "Twilight of the Gods."
I can't say I really care one way or another.
I have tried Angra on two separate ocassions. Just didn't do anything for me.
One was "Fireworks" which Bob always tells me isn't one of their best.

Though in 2013 I can't say I have a burning desire to try to reconnect with a power metal band from the 90s I may not be terribly familiar with.
I would rather go to the 70s!!!!
Stratovarius is a remarkably important band for me -- they were the reason I attended my first ProgPower, which was my very first Metal show. But I quickly grew out of them. Not a bad band by any means, just not for me.