(finally) Pictures from the Jaxx show 04/25/2007

The band makes money, but we turn the profits back into the band, and not into our pockets. We use it for travelling, printing up merch, filming videos, and things like that.

What Larry is saying, we don't make any personal income from Novembers Doom. It's all back into the business.

i was sure of that, making money that is, and of course it goes back into the band. Its like running a small business in some ways ... until you hit the majors you are basically breaking even and put everything back into it.
Sorry, but I have to ask the equipment question...

Larry, I assume you play a baritone. It looks like anyway. Am I right?
Hey no worries, it's nice to actually get asked a musical related question for once lol

Yeah I play baritones with ND, tuned down to B-flat. The one I'm playing in these pics is a Fender Squire SubSonic baritone. It's no longer in production and it's not an expensive guitar....and it's honestly one of the best guitars I've ever played! I have baritones that are worth more than twice as much and I don't like them nearly as much as the Squier.

Haha, I know a lot of people who start out with Squiers because they are inexpensive and actually end up upgrading the pickups or whatnot because they play so smoothly and just keep playing it instead of another guitar. I've never had the chance to play one, a baritone that is. Some day I'd like to.