Finally pulling off the Ticketmaster Band-Aid.

Palabra de Dios

Heavy Metal Weatherman
Mar 22, 2005
St. Joseph, MO
:headbang::kickass: The good news: I bought my Showcase ticket. Cannot wait. Enchant are going to be fucking awesome.

:puke: The bad news that everyone already knows: It is ridiculous that no one in TicketMaster is ashamed for making an event that is $38.00 come out to be about $50.00 per person. That they seem to be immune from any laws that might prevent such incorrigible rape from consumers that would probably rather not buy from them but can't, I think there is a special place in hell for any and all who make decisions for that infernal corporation.

But yeah, I had to vent, man. I can't wait for the Showcase, the lineup is fucking great, and it's not the venue or promoter's fault. But god dammit, when will Ticketmaster ever realize that their customers hate them and everything they stand for?
It's not that I'm against a company jacking up prices on certain things when they can---for instance, at a ball park at beer is $6 or more! I'm never going to buy one because of the price, but I don't have to. With TicketMaster it's "if you plan on going to this event, you either buy from us, or you don't go...very simple." There's something wrong with that.
I know this isn't what you want to hear, but the reality is, you don't have to buy concert tickets any more than you have to buy beer at a ballpark. Ticketmaster isn't actually a monopoly... there are a number of other ticket vendors. But Ticketmaster is clearly the largest company in that market. Trying to use "laws" to force them to lower prices is not going to ameliorate the situation either, that will just end up making things worse. The primary factor here is, why is Ticketmaster so large? Selling tickets to concerts isn't the kind of business that naturally presents a high barrier to entry, like, say, building airplanes. So why haven't numerous other competitors taken away large shares of their business by offering the same service at lower prices? Why do so many venues continue to sign exclusive contracts with Ticketmaster? They must feel they are getting some sort of benefit from it. Maybe better promotion... ease of use on the part of the venue... whatever it may be, I don't know. Part of it is probably also because Ticketmaster is affiliated with the largest concert promotion agency in North America. But one thing is clear... if bands / promoters / venues were losing an excessively large percentage of their audiences due to high Ticketmaster charges, they would do something about it. Believe me... I despise Ticketmaster's ridiculously high fees every bit as much as you do... but the fact that you and I continue to grit our teeth and click the "OK" button on Ticketmaster's website, ultimately means that they are not, in fact, charging too much.
Sumeet, why the hell do you have to come into a perfectly good "rant" thread, and muck things up with logic, facts, and clear thinking? Can't you just leave us to our fuming, and go muck up somebody else's thread with your intelligence?

Details, details........

:saint: :rolleyes: :err: :loco: :) :heh:
Err, aren't you wrong on this? Ticketmaster has exclusive contracts with most venues, making the barrier to entry for new players essentially infinite.

I believe if you bother to look under the table, you will find plenty of cash to politicians helping them keep their monopoly going.
You didn't muck it up...I definitely thought of that, and almost didn't make this topic.

I wish that there were more venues, artists, and concertgoers that would band together in an effort to excise Ticketmaster from the industry like the festering boil it is. You're certainly right, it's business as usual for them every time we sheepishly click the submit button. I just hate that when I submit, they stick it in further and further to let me know how true their ownership over me is. I wish it weren't so altruistic to say that companies should care about what people think of them, and thusly treat them fairly and justly. It shouldn't be just about how much money you can get people to give you. There's a lack of conscience there that's sickening.
Just about the only 'defense' music fans one that would really suck:

boycott all shows that use TicketMaster.

If ticket sales and attendance decreased substantially, you'd see a movement away from TM within the industry.

But, it just ain't gonna happen.
Unfortunately true. And that would be Ticketmaster's argument.

"Go ahead. Make our day."

Can't stop..........going to shows..........need to see........awesome bands...........damn you TICKETBASTARDS!!!!!!
I hate the Ticketmaster charges just everyone else, thats why I try to buy my tickets at the venue of the concert. I prefer a little drive to get my tickets than pay those fees.

But then there are the times you can only buy the tickets through the Ticketbasturds!! Sucks!!
I too am planning on getting my tix to the showcase at the venue - will probably try to get them tues or wed when I hit town. Not trying to avoid ticketbastard charges, it's just a consequence of timing - I am afraid if I bought online and had them mailed they wouldnt get here in time. Normally I already have all this stuff taken care of - and therefore have to eat the charges, it's just a happy coincidence that the one year I dont have my crap together is the one year it isnt sold out months in advance :)
I avoid the charges when I can. I'm going to the showcase but I'll be buying my tickets at the door.


Unfortunately Center Stage does have a contract with Ticketmaster, so there is no way around it. But if you would like to go, please get the tickets at the door. As of right now, there are still PLENTY available!

Thanks guys!!! Can't wait to see everyone!

That's why whenever I have to buy tickets for shows, I try and get them through local bands. I mean yeah, that doesn't apply for something like ProgPower, but for most national shows that come through here, the local band who is opening almost always has tickets for sale. Often times, they even sell them at a dollar or two cheaper than the venue. So I save money, help out the local band, and not give a penny to TM.
For events in my hometown, I'll always deal directly with the box office of the venue. For shows that involve travel, the Ticketmaster "convenience charge" is exactly that, and seems worth it.
I avoid the charges when I can. I'm going to the showcase but I'll be buying my tickets at the door.


I used to buy tickets all the time through ticketmaster and yeah, the fees sucked, but I really wanted to go and/or get good seats.
Due to the economy and my severe lack of funds this year, I have been either buying tix at the door, in hopes that it didn't sell out (for my sake anyway...not for the band or promoter by any means), and/or waiting until the last minute and buying them from people who bought tix but at the last minute couldn't go and were looking to get rid of them.
Call me a cheap bastard, but it has saved me a lot of money over the year.
i wish i didnt buy from them either...

but they are smart enough to realize the laziness of me and the general population to the extent that they arent scared to increase the price by almost 33%.
because they know, i will not do anymore than click a few buttons to get them if possible