Finding a good drum machine


guitar strangler
Jul 20, 2003
Alice, Texas
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Can anyone help me with any advice on finding a good drum machine? Im currently writing material in a Behemoth/Vader/Dissection(ala Somberlain)/Dismember kind of vein, and lack of drummers in my area(or lack of metal drummers in general to be precise) have caused me to consider doing drum programming myself. I have had some experience with drums, drum machines, and drum software, but i was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on a low priced but versatile and almost limitless drum machine or drum software that is capable of double bass and allows room for plenty of fills and is not limited to a small number of user stored drum patterns. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :bah:
inferior_devotee said:
Can anyone help me with any advice on finding a good drum machine?
Err, you're typing on one right now. Drum machines have been made largely obsolete.

Except that might be a bit of a hassle if you plan on using it for rehearsals, live playing etc. But a computer is infinitely easier to use and program and can sound plenty better.
So tesseract what is that some kinda software or something, it sounds pretty tight. I dont plan to use it for live situations, just recording so i guess software is the best way to go. Anywayz thanks for the help people
I use a DR-770 (Boss I think, Roland, whatever). The drum sounds are great but the cymbals are meh. Lots of programming room. But if you find good software that might be the way to go. Much more versatile than a machine but I'm not too sure of the sounds.