Finding a producer for our next album


Oct 20, 2006
Oregon Coast
So we're really early in the pre-production process for our next record, and we've been discussing the idea of working with a producer. We're an independent band at the moment so obviously we won't be able to afford a Sneap or Townsend or anything like that, but we like the idea of bringing someone in to help us make the record we want to make. To sort of keep an eye on the big picture and pull great performances out of us rather than just great takes.

We're looking to explore a bit of a departure from our comfort zone and explore a new sound, and we're even approaching the writing process in an entirely new way for us. We still want to make a metal record, obviously, but we want to go a bit more natural and less processed than the norm. We want to have someone help us craft great songs, rather than good collections of drums/bass/guitar/vocal parts, if that makes sense.

Problem is, I'm not really sure how to go about shopping around for a producer that would be on the same page with us and still be in our price range or be so far "above us" that we would just be clients to them rather than working partners. I know this is a great place to start, as there are probably people here that would be exactly what we're looking for.

I don't necessarily want to post our budget, as that might be shooting ourselves in the foot, but if anyone knows (or is) a producer/engineer on a sort of up-and-coming level, that would like to work with us in making what we hope to be a groundbreaking album (we can hope, right?), let me know either through here or via PM or whatever. We would like to make a list of people we might like to work with and sort of see who would be best suited for what we want to achieve.

We're based in California, but wouldn't be opposed to working via web on pre-pro if possible, and maybe flying somebody out to wherever we end up recording, or traveling to their studio if possible. We plan on tracking drums in a full blown studio with a really nice room, recording guitar and bass DI's ourselves at home, and either hitting another studio for vocals or tracking them ourselves.

I know there are a ton of people here that are more than qualified on a technical level, but we're sort of looking for someone who we "click with" in a style sense, if you know what I mean.
As Dan said, a description of the band's style would be a great thing here.

As far as working over the web on production material, that's entirely possible. I did it with Tyger on the Memnoir CD, and we were both stoked with the results of our partnership.

How could I forget to post a link? Here's a youtube video of a song from our last album:


I'm not really sure who made that video, but the only other video I could find of that song sounded super crappy.

Here's an actual promo video:

I think it should be stated that we are in no way displeased with how our last record turned out, and Zack Ohren did a fantastic job on it and he is already in the running as an option. We just want to explore our options a bit.
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I feel like this would be something I could really contribute to (as someone who has his roots in metal but can help with songwriting, structure, etc), but it would depend greatly on when you wanted to record, as I won't be back in CA until January.
Jeff, we plan to enter a studio to start drums in March or April of next year, and pre pro is still in its infancy, more or less just formulating ideas and working out gameplans at the moment.

Jordon, PM recieved, Reply sent.
Just for the record, would love to do another record with you guys. Let me know if you still are interested
We would be honored to work with you again, Mr. Ohren, and to be honest I think we were all generally assuming that we would be returning to you for the next album, since our experience working with you last time was so cool. We recently were offered the opportunity to work with someone who would be a really interesting departure from our natural element, so we're going to explore that opportunity for this next album.

I would like to work with you again in the future though for sure. We had a blast working with you.
Oh shit, forgot about Peter Wichers. He's probably out of our price range, but it's worth a look!

Then increase your price range, it's Peter Wichers. Seriously, stop drinking booze, stop buying new clothes, or going out, or sell gear, whatever the fuck you got, it's Peter Wichers. His name alone is money spent on promotion before you even spend anything to promote. Or anyone like that, there are plenty of famous players looking to do just that, it beats them getting a real job while they wait for their next tour, (which may never happen as band memebers quit, fight, die, have visa problems, break up and get married and buy houses and have kids) all that shit means these guys need money too. Just like you do. Send some emails and see what happens, I know plenty of Australian guys doing just that and it works. And if a famous player likes that helps you produce and you are friends then of course they will try their hardest to promote out of friendship and as a means to promote THEIR services as a producer. If you're band rocks YOU are helping THEM too, no matter how big a name they are.

We all know plenty of awesome local acts that refuse to play the game, and they end up playing incredibly tight passionate sets filled with amazing songs to empty rooms. Lots of times on cheap gear and with no stage presence and give the finger to what is actually required if you want to get anywhere in a dead industry
Then increase your price range, it's Peter Wichers. Seriously, stop drinking booze, stop buying new clothes, or going out, or sell gear, whatever the fuck you got, it's Peter Wichers. His name alone is money spent on promotion before you even spend anything to promote. Or anyone like that, there are plenty of famous players looking to do just that, it beats them getting a real job while they wait for their next tour, (which may never happen as band memebers quit, fight, die, have visa problems, break up and get married and buy houses and have kids) all that shit means these guys need money too. Just like you do. Send some emails and see what happens, I know plenty of Australian guys doing just that and it works. And if a famous player likes that helps you produce and you are friends then of course they will try their hardest to promote out of friendship and as a means to promote THEIR services as a producer. If you're band rocks YOU are helping THEM too, no matter how big a name they are.

We all know plenty of awesome local acts that refuse to play the game, and they end up playing incredibly tight passionate sets filled with amazing songs to empty rooms. Lots of times on cheap gear and with no stage presence and give the finger to what is actually required if you want to get anywhere in a dead industry


Sometimes you gotta spend money to make money. :D