Finding PT cds in australia....


New Metal Member
Sorry to bring up another PT thread...but for those of you in oz, i am trying to get hold of In Absentia...and noone has it. Utopia, metal mayhem...JB Hi Fi is getting in the Stars Die double cd and LB Sun...but noone seems to have IA. If anyone knows where to get it...tell me!

8 days til opeth live....
I've bought these CD's in Australian stores:

In Absentia
Stupid Dream
Stars Die

...but I need Lightbulb Sun!! :(:(
Nope, they where all just sittin' on the shelves (Border's, HMV). I ordered Lightbulb Sun yesterday though.
Border's is awesome, you can scan a cd at a listening station and it plays the music through the master database. Like whoa.