Finish Ye Olde Tale

...he decided to save Varg, and ate him before the black hole could. Black holes are no match for a badger, it was kicked back where it came from. After this, the badger found a quiet spot and let Varg out the back door. Varg looked no different from before. "Thanx", he said, "let me show my gratefulnes by...
but he was interrupted by the arrival of a spaceship. then a huge-schlonged ogre got out of it, and then he started to wave his humongous dick, making a new black hole.
Then he threw varg and the badger inside of it, and screamed "Look here, mister deep-space asshole! If you don't want to be assraped by me, you'd better close!"

and so it did, trapping varg forever in another dimension.

The End.
SUDDENLY Satan cam eout with 100 dildoes and said Hey everyone lets have a giant Orgasmo , so everyone was like ooohhh wow and proceeded to use the dildoes but just as they were all going to have an orgasm in their homosexual orgy SUDDENLY!
Thomas pointed and laughed and said damn you all your going to HEEELLLL because you all have HERPIES MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHHAAHA