Finished Album Checklist


Jun 15, 2010
Hey guys I want to get all of your input on making a checklist for having an album complete. I've got an album coming out on April 13 but I still wouldn't consider it DONE you know? I'm looking for help on this POST-RECORDING checklist.

Instrument Edits: Check
Vocal Edits: Working on some now, I'll have them done by the end of the day check.
Fade Ins/Outs: Check
EQ: Check
STUDIO TWEAKS: (The stuff you as a mix engineer add to spice up the recording like reverse reverb and stuff) ... never really know when to call this done.
Mastering: and I guess we would include lining up the tracks with transition FX and stuff, which I don't really know how to do yet. Any program recommendations for that?

Non Studio Stuff...
Album Art: Check
Release Show/Party: Check
CD Distribution: ... is it even really necessary these days? We offer free downloads.


So as you can tell I need a little help with this checklist.
Basically I need to know when to call this album I'm working on DONE.
Please contribute, thanks guys.
^ that's about it. Just listen to the songs and if you feel like something should change, change it. If the vocals still call for edits, then edit them; if there's a "need" for some kind of reverse reverb, glitch or subdrop, then add it. YMMV, but I think you can't really "checklist" a whole mix.

(more talking about the whole mixing/mastering side here though, working with sound)