Finished Indie/Emo/Alt Mix


Cereal Shipping Sneapster
Dec 17, 2008
Long Beach, New York
Just finished this mix up for a band called Karma Versa. I produced, tracked, mixed, and mastered. I think overall it came out pretty sweet, and I captured what the band really sounded like. There was actually only a slip edit or two here and there on the instruments, and maybe one note tuned on the vocals. Tons of automation going on in this mix. Versa- Maybe Next Year I'll Be Sober.wav
I can't stand what my problem is with this. usually most mixes are the opposite.

For this style of music I love the snare being loud and driving the song and you have got it to cut through really well. but it's a nudge loud. unfortunatley it is now over taking the vocal in alot of spots. which really should be the main focus in pop,alt/rock music.

otherwise I really enjoy it.
I see where you're saying the snare could be a bit loud. I checked this on about five different systems, and in the car, and on the Opals, the snare wasn't hitting as hard as the one on my reference mix. It was even a bit too dark and buried in my previous mix attempt, but I may have gone a little bright and cracky.
My issue is that the snare is brighter than the vocals, not that it's too loud per se.