Finished new song, need some opinions (podxt,impulses,dfh)


Kimon Zeliotis
Aug 31, 2001
Athens, Greece
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Just finished mixing our new song. This was the most difficult mix I ever had to do. There's too much stuff going on in the mix and it was almost impossible for me to find the right balance. So after one day of mixing and mastering and listening to it over and over again i came up with this. Now it's time to let some fresh ears listen to the mix :).
The song is called "The Shine" and you can listen to it here :

For the guitars I used PodXt with splatt's impulses for the rhythm and just podXT for the clean stuff and the solos. Drums are DFH1.

caelin... what is it you don't like about the hihat? I mean is it something I can impove?...Maybe too loud?

AudioPhile777... the snare is the sensitone from drumkit from hell (not superior)
Thanks guys... i appreciate you taking the time to listen to it.

I updated the mix. There are some minor differences... I thought that the hihat and the vocals where a little to loud in the mix so I turned down the levels a bit.
First-is it attempt to sound like Dream Theater?
Second-guitars sounds very mighty,but-they have 2 POD's classical artefacts-fizz on a top of a signal-i allways heard this fizz,when anybody uses pod with impulses,and-overall muddyness of signal.
Is this bigbottom?

I didn't have dream theater in mind actually...but I'll take that as a compliment :). I'm not denying that dream theater is one of big influences in general though.

If pod sounded great and without any "fizz" then we wouldn't need real amps :p. I'm not sure I agree about the "muddyness" though, it was a problem with pod2 but in podxt you can get some really tight tones.
It's diamondplate btw.
Can you get eny info,about-how you get that sound?
Its diamondoplate-from metalshop,or-from original xt ?
I think-that fizz is simple to eliminate-just cut 6-8 khz and beolw,and-+3 db on 3500-4500 for presense.
And--3 db on 350500 hz for turn out mud,and +1.5 db on 125 hz hor low end smack.
That migth be tasty.

It's diamond plate from metalshop. Unfortunately I don't remember much details about how I recorded was about 1 year ago:goggly:. What I do remember is that I had the drive knob all the way up and I used splatt's impulses... I believe it was 57B C +1__02.wav. Freefilter was also involved in the process.
I'll give your EQ settings a try, thanks.
Can you get eny info,about-how you get that sound?
Its diamondoplate-from metalshop,or-from original xt ?
I think-that fizz is simple to eliminate-just cut 6-8 khz and beolw,and-+3 db on 3500-4500 for presense.
And--3 db on 350500 hz for turn out mud,and +1.5 db on 125 hz hor low end smack.
That migth be tasty.

I am going to also try these EQ setting on my XT without metal shop pack. After getting revalver I'm not really sure If I'm going to through with the metal pack.