Finished project

Cooperman the rescue!!!
Apr 13, 2001
Virginia, USA
Hi everyone... I've posted previously on here, but have been lurking of late as I've been busy with the finishing and subsequent release of my band's album. I recorded and mixed the whole project. From the beginning of the recording process to getting the final mixes (9 songs) probably took about 9 months on and off... mainly because I was learning so many new things along the way and picking up lots of useful tips from here. Andy's C4 settings and some of the posts about EQ have been invaluable!

I got the mixes to the point were I was happy and decided 9 months was waaaaay too long for a single project. So I stopped tweaking and sent the tracks off for pressing.

Listening to the tracks now, having removed myself from the process, I can say that I'm quite happy with the recordings. There are quite a few things I'd change or re-do if I could start over, but I think there always are! But there's nothing like getting your hands dirty with recording/mixing in order to learn. My skills and knowledge has improved immeasureably from a year ago when I decided to take the plunge and record the album myself. We only spent around US$1500 on gear and I believe we have gotten far superior results than we ever would have spending that amount for a only few days in a studio and cutting corners to get it all recorded in that time.

If you're interested here is a sample.

I've taken off my recording cap for the time being and now have my promoting/marketing cap on as I try and get the CD out as far an wide as possible. This music thing is hard work... but fun all the same :grin: