Finally finished my biggest recording project!

Feb 8, 2008
Ft Worth, TX
The band is called Power Trip (thrash/hardcore). This is the first band that's actually signed to a label that I've worked with. here's some links to check them out:

I did all the tracking, mixing, and mastering. The recorded material is going to be released on a 7", so this should be interesting as I've never had one of my mixes on vinyl before, or released and distributed by a label for that matter! Let me know what you guys think.
Thanks guys. I made many different versions of mixes for the band, and they liked these the best. I wish it were less reverby and had more mids in the guitar, but thats what the band wanted so i'm happy as long as they are. I guess there's always going to be things you wish you could change afterward, but what can you do? I don't think with this kind of material people are expecting a really polished production thankfully, and compared to some of the other recordings on their label, these are better than most.

guitar amps were my 6505+ with my 4x12 avatar cab (hellatone 60's) mic'd freedman style, eq'd to fucking hell and back!