finished tracking a band today - rock (full band)

just done a load of edits on this band and thought it was sounding alright, so just worked on a quick mix before i go on holiday tomorrow.

band was only a young band and not that experienced recording etc - same old i guess. luckily they had some pretty nice gear, and im a nice guy when it comes to editing :) Call For Revolution TRACKED2.mp3

Peavey 6505 Mix

guitars are just podfarm right now, they'll be reamped though ;)

nice to work with live drums again (although in this there are quite a healthy amount of slate samples blended in).
Vocals were an at4040 through a mackie onyx 800r. compressor was urs csp, reverb was redline on one of the lexicon 480L algos.

The guy actually stood a couple of feet away from the mic but it worked out pretty damn well.

Not sure what I'll reamp through, I really want a 2203 for stuff like this. A ribbon mic would be sweet too.

Cheers guys!
That snare sounds really damn good!

Even tho the guitars are POD Farm, i think they sound good for the mix too. Perhaps just a tad too tight for the style of music, but yeah, since you're reamping anyway...
Yea man, everything sounds great and fresh, but the kick it's too loud for this kind of music.
Ehy man..amazing job!!is it possible to share details about guitar patch (in the mix with pod farm),drum and master?because really,this mix sounds really good!!congratulations
the pod one is just the dual recto model, mesa cab model, 57 on axis and then post EQ to drop some of the mids and a couple of notches to get rid of some ringing frequencies.

if enough people are interested ill do a screen cast of the mixing session so you can see whats going on. probably more useful than presets.