finished wiring the TT bay's


clown shoe baffoon
Nov 30, 2001
Just finished wiring in the new TT bay and audio panel for my new studio. and man am I happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! everything works, no ground loops or screwy things going on and everything is actually HOOKED up!!!! this is great !!!now I just need to finish the loud room construction and get the last of the walls built so I can have a really nice pro studio!!! HAHA
Love Curran
not yet as it is still an absolute MESS!!!! HAHAHAHA I willpost some up I guess in a few weeks on my myspace studio page but I have sessions coming in all weekend and week so I need to get some drum edits done and prep for the guitar player this saturday and bass player on sunday. maybe after the next week of sessions I can put up some shots!!!!
Love Curran