My new studio is finally finished!


Jan 31, 2010
So I have had 9 months of hell, I gave up the lease on my old studio last May then signed a lease on a new building and had a new studio all built but had major noise issues with the adjoining business, so I'm still in a court battle with the agent to recoup some of the money I have lost and break the lease.

So for the past few months I have been a nomad working out of various other studios (one of which was fellow sneapster James from rapture audio, his live room sounds awesome for drums)

Then I had a stroke of luck! In December I was in a session with a band and the drummer got an email saying a studio inside JJM studios was coming available, so I called them and now its mine!

I have had a long week soldering and installing but everything is finally in.
Check it out, they are only crappy iPhone pics but you get the idea.
The studio has the control room you can see in the pics, a vocal booth and a large live room,


Looks nice, and much better than what I'd seen of the room before you took up residence there - my band usually rehearse in the room just visible through the window so I'll have to try and pop in and have a look around! How many days are you likely to be open a week (and what days)? What's the control room like reflection-wise by the way, as I can't see any signs of treatment (other than the carpet on walls) unless you're still yet to add it? Good luck anyway, would be cool to have a good studio in the area! :)
I'll have to try and pop in and have a look around!

Yeah man, no problem call in and say hi anytime, I will be there most days.

How many days are you likely to be open a week (and what days)?

I can be open 24/7 just depends what I'm working on at the time,
Usually if I'm tracking with a band then I usually start at 9am and can finish any time from 6pm - 10pm. If I'm mixing or editing then I usually start and finish later.

What's the control room like reflection-wise by the way, as I can't see any signs of treatment (other than the carpet on walls)

The room is deceiving it has a whole load of treatment in there but you cant see it on the pictures all the black and white panels are panel absorbers. They have got cotton on the front and are filled with rock wool. There are also more absorption panels on the ceiling, mix wise its the tightest room I have had in any of my studios. The back corners of the studio could do with some bass trapping but I'm not gonna be doing that cos I don't sit in the corner to mix and one of those corners is reserved for the 50" TV and xbox :grin:
Bro that looks great!
Thanks man, after only being there 7 days it already feels home and is a nice place to work. I'm real happy with it.

That shelf above the monitors doesn't give you any grief?

Yeah that needs to come out, the guy who had the studio before me installed it, I'm not sure why.

When I get a free day I'm going to take it out cos its not ideal having my monitors horizontal, but apart from that it hasn't bothered me too much I did a mix in there yesterday and was surprised how little it affected the sound of my monitors.

I only moved in last Wednesday and every hour of the day soldering new looms and getting it ready for Sunday as I have 21 consecutive days of recording booked in, its going to be a long three weeks :loco:
Yeah man, no problem call in and say hi anytime, I will be there most days.

I can be open 24/7 just depends what I'm working on at the time,
Usually if I'm tracking with a band then I usually start at 9am and can finish any time from 6pm - 10pm. If I'm mixing or editing then I usually start and finish later.

The room is deceiving it has a whole load of treatment in there but you cant see it on the pictures all the black and white panels are panel absorbers. They have got cotton on the front and are filled with rock wool. There are also more absorption panels on the ceiling, mix wise its the tightest room I have had in any of my studios. The back corners of the studio could do with some bass trapping but I'm not gonna be doing that cos I don't sit in the corner to mix and one of those corners is reserved for the 50" TV and xbox :grin:
Awesome, reassuring to hear there is treatment in there hehe. I'll definitely drop by at some point anyway, maybe I could even check the final mix of our album through your system in a few weeks before I send it off to be pressed if you aren't too busy - pity you weren't there sooner really, as I don't have a studio and have tracked in five different places for various elements of the CD! Maybe work with you for something in the future though - especially if you have an xbox and glorious tv :grin:

I'm actually at JJM on Saturday 1-3pm I think so if you're around then and not with a client/busy soldering maybe I'll stick my head round the door :)
The back corners of the studio could do with some bass trapping but I'm not gonna be doing that cos I don't sit in the corner to mix and one of those corners is reserved for the 50" TV and xbox :grin:

nice studio! but bass-trapping on the rear-wall would improve the sound on the actual listening-position (damping room-modes and reflections from the rear-wall)...
nice studio! but bass-trapping on the rear-wall would improve the sound on the actual listening-position (damping room-modes and reflections from the rear-wall)...

Yeah some trapping would make a slight improvement but I cant justify knocking doing walls to move the door that's in one of the corners. The bass issue is only apparent if you are stood right in the corner of the room pretty much with your back to the corner so it isn't a big deal, at the listening position everything sounds great.