Corvus Audio DI+ (DI and Reamp box)


Den Mørke Natt
Oct 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA

Corvus Audio
*Image shown is guitar prototype, future labeling will reflect Pro-Audio/Studio use*

Its finally here. I am proud to announce that the Corvus Audio DI+. This DI is a transformerless active DI that can do simultaneous DI and reamp functions through the use of an internal 2 channel mixer. This means that you do not have to switch any cables, switches or re-calibrate any settings to go from DI to reamp mode. It also features a ground lifted split channel to allow for bi-amping or signal splitting. The way that the mixer buffer setup was implemented, the DI can also act as a standalone signal buffer for guitars such as for pedals to prevent tone sucking and for long cable runs. As such it can also act as an active buffered Y-splitter without ever needing to worry about ground loops.

Oh and you don't need a mic preamp, just like the loadbox it goes straight into a line an AD/DA converter.

I got to test it when I had a friend ask me to do guest solos on his album. Tracked guitars for three days and it sounded amazing. Quite frankly I didn't know guitars had as much high end until I listened to the DI's after I recorded everything, particularly humbuckers. Unfortunately, my interface is messed up and I can't get enough signal out of it to record reamps, but I will be going to a studio sometime soon to do some clips for the heck of it. No real point in clips though, as it does nothing to the sound of the guitar or the amp both fowards and backwards, adds no color or noise.

I am about to change the strings on my guitar and I will do a comparison clips of the DI+ straight in and my old passive DI + mic pre setup. I will also post here how to route your DAW for simultaneous DI/Reamp and monitoring.
On top of the typical features that most DI boxes have including interfacing unbalanced signals to balanced signals such as guitars, keyboards and consumer grade audio, there are a few extra features with the DI+.

Production runs will have new labeling to reflect a broader use than guitars and as such each will be relabled:

Guitar In - Input
DI Out - Send
Reamp In - Return
Amp Out - Thru

Simultaneous DI and Reamping

Simulteneous DI and Reamping means that you can play your guitar through your amp, use your amp to monitor while you record DI tracks and get immediate Reamp when you playback the recorded DI, without needing to touch anything on the DI+. The Gutiar In and Reamp In are mixed to one single output.

1. Hookup
Plug the guitar in to the Instrument Input, the DI out into a line input channel on your interface. A line output channel on your interface then should be plugged into the Reamp In. Lastly, the Amp out goes to your amp. For this configuration the lift should be engaged.

2. Micing the amp
Mic the amp just like you normally would, with the mic'd amp going into a mic input on your interface or a mic preamp into another line input channel on your interface.

3. DAW setup
Open your DAW and create as many tracks as needed for the DIs and as many needed for recording reamps. On the track(s) designated for DIs, send the output of that track to the line output going to the DI+ Reamp In. Mute all the DI tracks. Designate one of the tracks for Reamps to be a monitor, do this simply by selecting the input of that track to the mic on the amp and turn on monitoring for that track on. When you play through the amp, you should hear the sound from the monitors.

4. Recording.
To record, simply arm the muted DI track of choice and record as typical. When you want to listen back via reamp, simply unmute the track and press play, the DI signal will be sent through the amp and will be picked up by the monitor track. If you wish to record that reamp, engage the track to record and hit record.

5. DAW setup with Ampsims
If you desire to monitor with amp sims but still want easy DI to reamp mode control via DAW, with the previous setup mentioned in step 3, set the DI tracks to the main monitor output and add any ampsim/effects as needed. For each DI track place a PreFX Send or Insert to the DI+ Reamp In. Keep the send muted and record as usual. When you wish to playback or record the reamp, mute the amp sim channel and turn on the Send/Insert and turn on the reamp monitor channel to listen to the playback. If you wish to record the reamp, arm the monitor channel and record.

Unbalanced Outboard Gear Interfacing

Due to the gain structure, the DI+ can act as a standalone unbalanced to balanced converter, a balanced to unbalanced converter, or do both as the same time in such cases would be needed to use an unbalanced peiece of gear as outboard gear. Through the DI+ you can easily use guitar pedals and rackmount effects as outboard gear without the cumbersome DI + Reamp + Mic Preamp setup.

1. Setup
Engage the insert switch on the DI+ (not pictured above). On a free output on your audio interface, plug into the Reamp In, the amp out is then plugged into the input of an unbalanced effect. The output of the unbalanced effect then is plugged into the Guitar In and the DI out goes into an available line input on the audio interface.

2. DAW setup
Create an Insert/Send for the track you want to send through the outboard effect. Create a new track to record the effect, setting the input of that track to the input that DI Out is connected to. Record as usual.
It has been awhile but I will say that I am still loving mine (the prototype). Currently using mine as a DI and Line Level converter for the new X50 V2 beta demos that I will get around to releasing soon.

I am making some big announcements soon after the new year and the form factors of the DI and other products will be changing, hence the bump.