Corvus Engineering DI+Reamp Boxes. (Have some ???s for youz gaise)


Den Mørke Natt
Oct 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA
So right now I am working on an all in one solution active DI+Reamp box that ensures as little coloration between guitar and amp as much as possible.

The big concern about doing both together in one is if you use the DI and the Reamp at the same time, there are some ground loop issues. There are two solutions, 1) Have three ground lifts and the switching matrix (which ones to switch when using certain setups) is a living nightmare or 2) require that two separate 9v sources are used. This would mean that you would need two wall warts to power both the DI and Reamp as each source would go to each side respectively. You would not be able to use a 9v splitter, transformer separated 9v power supplies like the dunlop power brick, will work perfectly, you would just need to use two outputs. The second solution would only require one ground lift that would either be engaged when you are running an amp in parallel on the DI and/or when you are using both DI and Reamp. If the feature where the gutiar amp could be ran into parallel to the DI and the reamp box then a separate ground lift could be added as well, at least the switching would be easier to handle and understand.

So what do you guys think? I am also going to be working on the idea of doing ADAT out. If no one is interested in that, I will not bother.

If there are any other features you would like to see please speak up.

Current Estimated price will be around $150-$200 depending on how much it costs me to build one unit. I will be building the prototype unit this week and will be taking orders when it is done.

ALSO: Another possibility would be to make an audio summing mixer so that the parallel DI out and the reamp out connections can be placed together. This would be a passive device and would allow for the second ground lift to be removed from the DI and would let the user be able to to have low latency monitoring (if not zero depending on the hardware being used) of their amp as they play, and have instant reamp playback without needing to do any outboard rewiring. Paired with the Corvus loadbox you could silently record only your DIs, but have monitoring, and instant reamp throughput on playback. This means you can monitor with a tracking tone and record the reamped tones ONLY when you are ready to, saving space and speed on your computer. Eventually I would like the get the DI + Reamp and the Loadbox all in one rackmount unit where any three can be used in combination. That could easily be just as much of an arsenal of tools for a live as much as in the studio.

...after typing that I realized, fuck, I need me one of these too!
Really, no responses? Hmm, well if get none by tomorrow afternoon I will just build it as is. Will be taking pictures of every step this time as I work, the prototype should be done and first tested by the end of the week.
Here is an update. So I have redesigned the DI+ more than once and am settling on one final design. Now one thing I have to ask is, would anyone be interested in a certain addon that will allow one output for the reamp and the parallel guitar out? It would allow you to play through your amp in real time, just like the parallel out on most DI boxes, but it will be mixed with the reamp out so that when you playback the DI from your DAW, you will also get the signal from your DAW. Both DAW and Parallel Guitar out will be on the same cable, which means, you will not have to change the wiring or flip any switches to go form DI to Reamp and vice versa, it will be a real time Reamp and DI both connected into your amp with one cable.

In simple terminology, it will do the same as the Little Labs Redeye 3D but can simultaneously do both Reamp and DI without needed to touch any settings on your DI, where you have to hit a switch to go from DI to Reamp mode.

EDIT: I have a new design that will not need the addon for the mixer, it will be part of the standard DI.

Final Price:

$180 USD

Total after shipping:
US: $215 USD
CAN: $224 CAD
EU: €195
AU: $230 AUD
This sounds like an insanely great product and an awesome audio engineering solution. Keeping the simultaneous reamp ability as an add-on option would be great.

I think that the only reason you aren't gathering as much interest as you might hope is because the people on this board most likely already own similar (but not better) products.
Maybe hitting up the gearslutz website will help you gather further interest?
Will have to hit up gearslutz.

With the addon, I realized that most likely I will be able to do it without transformers as I think I have a ground scheme that is simple and will work, unfortunately the parallel DI of the raw guitar will have to be buffered (some people don't like this). Fortunately I spend painstaking hours to make sure any buffer I make is hyper-linear so you shouldn't be able to tell a difference as the pickups will be loaded identically as if they were plugged into a high gain amp.

I have also added another feature, a Y splitter so that you can run two amps at the same time (bi-amp). The cool thing is as well is that the DI itself could be used just as a dedicated active Y splitter if you want to run two amps at the same time live or in the studio without the need of worrying about ground loops or needing to dangerously lift the earth from one of the amps. Its a small feature that I figured I would add mostly because it only requires one extra 1/4 in jack.

I could as well make an active A/B-Y box for the guys that want that without the price jump of having the DI and Reamp.

EDIT: I should also add that it will work 9v but in order to get full headroom and reproduction of the guitar signal, you will need at least 12v, 18v recommended. This is like all my products, including the loadbox.
I'm surprised that there aren't many posts in this thread. I know a good bit about electronics, PM me if you want any help designing this stuff. Either way I'll buy one if it sounds clean and if it outputs line level :)
sounds cool man if you can keep your price what it is and its sounds great then im sure it would will work out. the split feature should get business alone since i think you have to daisy chain the red eye to get that feature which means more almost 300 dollar boxes xD and if i didnt already have the red eye i would be all over this :p